LTA grounds 11 buses in Nadi
LTA grounds 11 buses in Nadi
Friday 24/06/2011
People living in Nadi will from today face disruption in bus services after the Land Transport Authority grounded all eleven buses of a company licensed to service Vatutu, Solovi, Mulomulo, Yavuna, Lasau and Mukia routes.
LTA's Chief Executive Officer, Naisa Tuinaceva said that the action has been taken after the bus company failed to comply with the required standard despite several warnings issued.
He said these buses will be back on the road after the necessary maintenance work is carried out by the bus company.
Tuinaceva said LTA is currently looking for alternative bus companies to service the mentioned routes.
Meanwhile, a prominent Suva based bus company's ten buses have been called in at LTA for necessary inspection after receiving a number of complaints regarding smoke emission, loud music and continuous breakdown on the road.
Story by: Sneh Chaudhry
fijivillage Straight Talk with Vijay Narayan
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