It would be a big ask for women to change their name - Ro Teimumu

It would be a big ask for women to change their name - Ro Teimumu

By Shanil Singh
Wednesday 22/09/2021
SODELPA MP Ro Teimumu Kepa.

SODELPA MP Ro Teimumu Kepa says it would be a big ask for women to go to the Births, Deaths and Marriages Office and change their name after the passing of the Electoral Registration of Voters Amendment Bill, the Interpretation Amendment Bill and the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill.

Ro Teimumu has also questioned why the Attorney General is bullying and penalizing the women especially those who have adopted their husbands’ names.

She also says that in churches, members go through a ceremony to receive the sacrament of matrimony which encourages unity from the wife and children to have one family name.

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Ro Teimumu says all three bills that are being debated in Parliament today only point towards FijiFirst winning the next elections.

She says we have already had two elections and FijiFirst has said that the 2014 and 2018 elections were free and fair.

Ro Teimumu says however these Bills are telling us that the elections were not free, fair and credible and it was the worst elections ever.

Click to read: Electoral Registration of Voters Amendment Bill

Click to read: A Bill for an Act to Amend the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1975

Click to read: A Bill for an Act to Amend the Interpretation Act 1967

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