Injectable drugs contribute to 25% of HIV cases this year – Dr Devi
415 new cases of HIV recorded last year

Injectable drugs contribute to 25% of HIV cases this year – Dr Devi

415 new cases of HIV recorded last year

By Mansi Chand
Sunday 19/05/2024
Ministry of Health, Doctor Rachel Devi

The Ministry of Health has noticed an increase in injectable drugs that contributes to almost 25 percent of HIV cases this year however this needs to be verified further through verification processes.

Head of Family Health from the Ministry of Health, Doctor Rachel Devi highlighted this during the Ministry of Home Affairs Talanoa Session at Fiji National University in Nasinu on Illicit Drugs and Substance Use Disorders in Fiji.

Doctor Devi says injectable drug use has been one of the rising factors and the reason that led to increasing HIV cases in the country.

She says in 2023 they recorded 415 new cases of HIV and they currently cannot guarantee what percentage of it was due to injectable drug use.

The Head of Family Health says blue toothing and chemsex are super dangerous, whereas blue toothing is when an individual transmits blood from one person to another using injectable drugs.

She further says when a person is high on that they will transmit blood from one person to circulate it among a group of peers which has increased the use of needles.

Dr Devi adds in terms of rehabilitation, the contribution made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs towards the strategic plan has enabled the Health Ministry to have consultation on the effects of HIV and illicit drugs in Fiji.

Click here for more stories from the Talanoa Session on Illicit Drugs and Substance Use Disorders in Fiji

Click here for stories on the Drugs Situation in Fiji

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