The story of a young woman who died after being raped by six men in a moving bus in Delhi in India, shocked the world in its brutality – and now a new Netflix police procedural drama series looks at piecing together how the perpetrators were caught and brought to justice.
The new crime series, Delhi Crime delves into the horrific events of December 2012, when a young student was gang raped and her male friend, assaulted as they made their way home after watching the film Life of Pi in South Delhi.
The subsequent rape and eventual death of 23‑year‑old‑ medical student Jyoti Singh launched angry protests across India and the rest of the world, and kick‑started one of the most important manhunts of the decade.
It follows the police investigation and the subsequent capture of all six men – including the man who drove the bus in which she and her friend were viciously attacked.
[Source: Metro]
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