I’m devastated to learn about the extent of Tikoduadua’s illness - PM

I’m devastated to learn about the extent of Tikoduadua’s illness - PM

By Vijay Narayan and Filipe Naikaso
Monday 11/05/2015
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama with Pio Tikoduadua

Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama says he is devastated to learn of the extent of the illness of his trusted Minister and dear freind, Pio Tikoduadua, that has forced him to resign from public office.

In a national statement, Bainimarama says he knows that every MP of every affiliation will share his sorrow at Tikoduadua’s departure from the government and parliament, and he wishes Tikoduadua the very best in his current struggle.

The Prime Minister also asks every Fijian to join him in praying for Tikoduadua, who he says is so dearly loved, admired and respected.

Bainimarama says on a personal level, Tikoduadua has always displayed the shining qualities of integrity, intelligence, loyalty, judgement and consideration and love for others that we should all aspire to as Fijians.

He says Tikoduadua’s religious faith and patriotism, an intense love for God and Fiji, have also been an inspiration to all who know him.

The Prime Minister says “on a professional level Pio has been by my side for 15 years and through some of the greatest challenges in my own life and in the life of the nation. He was my Personal Staff Officer in the RFMF, Permanent Secretary for Justice, Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office and was at the forefront of our reform program leading up to last September’s election, in which he played a key role in taking the FijiFirst movement to victory”.

He says since the election, Tikoduadua has also been a tower of strength and competence as he is a highly valued Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and the Leader of Government in parliament.

Bainimarama says in these key positions, Tikoduadua has brought all of his personal qualities to bear, quietly delivered a range of better outcomes for ordinary people and is widely admired and respected across the political spectrum.

Meanwhile Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management, Inia Seruiratu is the new Leader of Government in parliament.

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