I’m confident that Fiji has enough equipment for the surge in COVID-19 cases – Dr. Fong

I’m confident that Fiji has enough equipment for the surge in COVID-19 cases – Dr. Fong

By Rashika Kumar
Tuesday 15/06/2021
Permanent Secretary for Health, Doctor James Fong

Permanent Secretary for Health, Doctor James Fong says he is confident that Fiji has enough equipment for the surge in COVID-19 cases that they have planned for, and they will continue to plan ahead.

He says they have made further orders for ventilators that will be coming.

He highlighted this while responding to a question about the capabilities of the Ministry to look after severe cases in terms of equipment, human resources and what gaps the AUSMAT team will be coming in to fill.

Dr. Fong says the advisers from the AUSMAT Team will help Fiji plan more contingencies beyond the plans they already have, which they have not used yet.

While responding to a question about staff not getting their allowance on time, Dr. Fong who remains in isolation says he will have to deal with the issue once he gets back into office.

Dr. Fong is in home quarantine as he is a contact of a confirmed case from the Incident Management Team which he leads.

He is is expected to clear home quarantine on 17th June following a negative final exit swab.

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