Grammar leads the Boys Division while ACS leads the Girls Division

Grammar leads the Boys Division while ACS leads the Girls Division

By Vijay Narayan
Saturday 20/08/2022

As we enter the final day of competition at the Coca Cola Games, Suva Grammar School leads the medal tally in the Boys Division with 5 gold, 1 silver and 5 bronze.

QVS is in second place with 4 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze, RKS is in third place with 3 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze while Marist is in fourth place with 2 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze.

Adi Cakobau School is leading the Girls Division with 4 gold, 4 silver and 9 bronze.

Jasper is in second place with 4 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze, Grammar is in third place with 3 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze while Saint Joseph’s Secondary School has 3 gold 1 silver and 1 bronze.

MGM sprinters create history after Inoke wins Senior Boys 100 metres and Boletanakadavu wins Senior Girls 100 metres

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 19/08/2022

MGM High School sprinters have created history after Waisale Inoke won gold in the Senior Boys 100 metres final and Kesaia Boletanakadavu of MGM won the Senior Girls 100 metres gold medal for the first time in the Coca Cola Games.

This is historic as MGM had never won the Senior Grade 100 metres finals.

Inoke says he did not expect to win the blue ribbon event and is grateful to God for the strength and protection throughout his preparations. He says he was expecting a tough contest from the Natabua sprinter.

Inoke has dedicated the win to all his MGM High School supporters.

His next target is to represent Fiji in athletics.

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Meanwhile, Kesaia Boletanakadavu says it was not an easy feat running for MGM High because it is mostly known as an academic focused school.

She says training was tough but she is thankful to God for providing her the strength to compete today.

She has dedicated her win to her parents and supporters of MGM High School.

Viliame Rawairua of RKS settled for the silver medal in the Senior Boys 100 metres while Ratu Alipate Vuiwakaya of Natabua won the bronze medal.

Tokasa Gukirewa of Saint Joseph’s Secondary School took home the silver in the Senior Girls 100 metres while Repeka Rosi of ACS got the bronze.

Penaia Nawaqadrua of Grammar won gold in the Intermediate Boys 100 metres, Ravuama Latilevu of Marist got silver while Netani Lolo of QVS won the bronze medal.

Chloe David of Grammar finished strongly to win gold in the Intermediate Girls 100 metres, Oca Nasulunibawa won silver for Natabua while Domitila Naita of ACS settled for bronze.

Nathaniel Chand of Grammar won gold in the Junior Boys 100 metres, Josefata Tuinavitilevu of Natabua got silver while Joshua Ducia of RSMS got the bronze.

Claudy David of Grammar had a powerful finish in the 100 metres Junior Girls final winning the gold medal, Marica Narebai of Natabua took the silver while Elizabeth Chute of MGM got the bronze.

International School Suva’s Francis Bakaniceva won gold in the Sub Junior Boys 100 metres final.

Timoci Cakautabu of Natabua settled for silver while Aminiasi Tavailagi of RKS won the bronze medal.

Filomena Navula of ACS won gold in the Sub Junior Girls 100 metres, Lidia Waqairapoa of Bucalevu Secondary won the silver medal while Liviana Vulavou of Jasper settled for bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

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Grammar’s Tokikivunuku dives at the finish line to win the Senior Boys 400 metres

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 19/08/2022
Suva Grammar School’s Elijah Tokikivunuku dove at the finish line to win the Senior Boys 400 metres

Suva Grammar School’s Elijah Tokikivunuku dove at the finish line to win the Senior Boys 400 metres and take home the gold medal for the Grammarian camp.

It was a photo finish race and Setoki Turuva of RKS had to settle for the silver medal while Ilisavani Radovu of QVS took home the bronze.

Jasper’s Melania Turaga won the Senior Girls 400 metres gold with a great run, Naibena Tuilawaki of MGM settled for the silver medal while Josifini Ana of Namosi Secondary School took home the bronze.

Solomone Muakibau of RKS won the Intermediate Boys 400 metres final, Senirusi Rauqe of QVS took the silver while Sale Joe of Grammar settled for the bronze medal.

Adi Cakobau School stamped their mark in the Intermediate Girls 400 metres as they made a clean sweep with Frances Tuva winning the gold, Vani Tulele winning the silver and Melania Ranadi winnig the bronze.

Natabua High School’s Ratu Apakuki Navinaiyata took home the gold medal in style in the 400 metres Junior Boys, Ratu Apimeleki Vikila of RKS won the silver medal while Tobia Seru of Marist won the bronze.

Adi Cakobau School’s Imeri Nasali won gold in the 400 metres Junior Girls, Salote Takayawa of Nasasavia Secondary in Nadi takes home the silver while Maopa Vere of Sacred Heart College settled for the bronze medal.

Ratu Aporosa Lalabalavu of Cuvu College takes home the gold medal after winning the Sub Junior Boys 400 metres, Waisiki Korovulavula of Grammar settled for silver while Ratu Pio Natutusau of QVS got bronze.

Adi Ceva Lutumailagi of Natabua High School won gold in the 400 metres Sub Junior Girls 400 metres, Hephzibah Tuimanono of Grammar settled for the silver medal while Nanise Uluimoala of ACS won the bronze medal.

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MGM sprinter Inoke wins gold in Senior Boys Long Jump

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 19/08/2022
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School sprinter Waisale Inoke

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial School sprinter Waisale Inoke won his first gold medal at the 2022 Coca-Cola Games after claiming gold in the Senior Boys Long jump.

Inoke jumped a distance of 7.05 metres.

Josefa Matawalu of Marist settled for silver while Samuela Taliai of RKS won bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Cokanauto wins Niusawa Methodist’s first gold

By Navitalai Naivalurua, Rusiate Baleilevuka
Friday 19/08/2022
Judah Cokanauto of Niusawa Methodist High School

Judah Cokanauto of Niusawa Methodist High School in Taveuni is over the moon after claiming the school's first gold medal in the Junior Boys Javelin at the 2022 Coca-Cola Games.

Cokanauto says the gold medal win is a tremendous achievement for the school.

He adds they used whatever material was available in their surroundings to prepare for the Games.

Ryan Moko of Marist came in second place while Nemani Sema of Vunisea Secondary School in Kadavu settled for third place.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Hacere keeps Jasper’s hopes alive after winning gold in the Senior Girls High Jump

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 19/08/2022
Laisani Hacere

Laisani Hacere has given hope to Jasper Williams High School after winning gold in the Senior Girls High Jump at the Coca Cola Games.

Hacere jumped a height of 1.56 metres.

Adi Evisaki Nabuta of Xavier College won silver while teammate Lisa Lockington also of Xavier College settled for bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Frances Peters gets gold for Grammar in Intermediate Boys Shot Put

By Alipate Narawa
Friday 19/08/2022

Suva Grammar School’s Frances Peters has claimed the gold medal in the Intermediate Boys Shot Put with a throw of 14.75 metres.

Atunaisa Sokobale of Sigatoka Methodist High School scooped the silver while Christian Taukei of Marist won the bronze.

Kovanalagi wins first gold for Vishnu Deo Memorial School

By Alipate Narawa
Friday 19/08/2022

Lavenia Kovanalagi has secured the first gold medal for Vishnu Deo Memorial School in the Senior Girls Discus with a throw of 36.15 metres.

Tamara Faktaufon of ACS won silver, and Reapi Vunidakua of RSMS got the bronze.

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Qerewaqa of Holy Cross wins gold in Inter Boys Long Jump

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 19/08/2022

Viliame Qerewaqa of Holy Cross College in Taveuni has won gold in the Coca-Cola Games Intermediate Boys Long Jump with a jump of 6.67 metres.

Pita Kuricuva of Xavier College won silver while Samuela Vunivalu of Natabua High School settled for bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Vosabalavu of QVS breaks Senior Boys Javelin record

By Alipate Narawa
Friday 19/08/2022

Jone Vosabalavu of Queen Victoria School has broken the Senior Boys Javelin record at the 2022 Coca Cola Games.

Vosabalavu threw a distance of 59.69 metres, breaking the old record of 56.59 metres set by Amania Isa of Niusawa Methodist High School in 2017.

Jone Ratuiloilo of Saqani High School came second and Mosese Nokelala of Grammar got the bronze.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Yee of Saint Joseph's wins gold in Junior Girls Discus

By Zodelle Bhan, Naveel Krishant
Friday 19/08/2022
15-year-old Carletta Yee has won gold for Saint Joseph's Secondary School

15-year-old Carletta Yee has won gold for Saint Joseph's Secondary School in the Junior Girls Discus.

Yee has dedicated her medal win to her parents and all the sacrifices they made for her.

She says her form teacher encouraged her to take part last year but due to COVID-19, the Games were cancelled however, she is happy to be back this year and to win the gold medal.

Swami Vivekananda College student Brieanna Rabakewa took the silver medal while Grammar’s Shanaina Deo won bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Tuiloma of Vunisea Secondary wins gold in the Girls 3,000 metres

Toia of St Vincent College wins the Boys 3,000 metres
By Vijay Narayan, Marika Rasekaseka, Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 19/08/2022
17-year-old Viniana Tuiloma won the Girls 3000 metres event while Evueli Toia won the Boys 3,000 metres event

Sacrificing the 1-week school holidays to prepare for the 2022 Coca-Cola Games, running up the hills of Kadavu and swimming in the ocean, has paid off for 17-year-old Viniana Tuiloma of Vunisea Secondary School who won the Open Girls 3,000 metres this morning.

Tuiloma says the school athletics team sacrificed their school holidays to stay back at school and prepare for the Games.

The Year 12 student says even though they had to go through many challenges, she is thankful to God for always being their pillar of strength.

Tuiloma says she is grateful to have supportive parents and has dedicated her win to them.

The Kadavu school now has 1 gold and 1 silver.

Elizabeth Kalouniviti settled for the silver medal in the 3,000 metres event while Akeneta Lutu of Lomaivuna High School is taking home the bronze medal.

Evueli Toia won the Boys 3,000 metres event at the Coca Cola Games.

Savenaca Namokoli of Balata Secondary won the silver medal while Christopher Tikolutu of Namosi Secondary settled for the bronze medal.

The 4x400 metres relay heats are currently underway, the 400 metres finals will be at 3.20pm while the 100 metres finals will be at 4pm.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Lewageena of RSMS breaks Sub Junior Girls Discus record

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 19/08/2022
Loata Lewageena of Ratu Sukuna Memorial School has broken the Coca Cola Games Sub Junior Girls Discus after a throw of 31.12 metres.

Loata Lewageena of Ratu Sukuna Memorial School has broken the Coca Cola Games Sub Junior Girls Discus record after a throw of 31.12 metres.

The old record of 29.39 metres was set by Tokasa Waqanisauvaki of Adi Cakobau School in 2017.

Lewageena says she was not expecting to break the record coming into the competition.

She says training was tough and she dedicates her win to her family and supporters of RSMS.

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Sulie Matea of Swami Vivekananda College won silver while Siteri Matele of ACS settled for bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews.

You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

Susunikoro of RKS bags gold in the Intermediate Boys Javelin

By Zodelle Bhan
Friday 19/08/2022

17-year-old Vilimoni Susunikoro has won Ratu Kadavulevu School’s second gold medal at the 2022 Coca-Cola Games after coming first in the Boys Intermediate Javelin.

The old record of 67.23 metres was set by Leslie Copeland of Marist Brothers High School in 2005.

Manoa Sorovakatini of John Wesley College took the silver medal while Labasa Muslim College student David Taylor won the bronze medal.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Makeli Tuivuya of Jasper wins gold in the Intermediate Girls High Jump

By Zodelle Bhan
Friday 19/08/2022

17-year-old Makeli Tuivuya of Jasper Williams High School won gold after a jump of 1.55 metres in the Intermediate Girls High Jump at the 2022 Coca-Cola Games.

The silver medal went to Adi Cakobau School student Nina Nakula while Sereana Naweni of Ba Sangam Secondary School won the bronze.

Stay with us for the running medal tally updates, results and interviews. You can check out all the coverage on our website, fijivillage and relive all the moments from the Coke Games by checking out our fijivillage re-live videos.

Click here for full Coca-Cola Games Coverage

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