The festival of Holi is a time when people rejoice with cheerful colours, and the celebrations and traditions associated with Holi unite everyone and brings harmony.
The Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro says with Fiji being a multi-racial and multi-cultural country, each festival is celebrated with excitement and enthusiasm.
He says students, teachers, and staff in most Hindu schools around the country will be celebrating Holi, playing with colours, singing folk songs, dancing to Bollywood music and enjoying sweets.
He says the festival has cultural significance due to its association with the Hindu Legend of Holika and Hiranyakashyap, and the victory of good over evil, and the rich traditions of our diverse cultures should be appreciated.
Radrodro says similarly schools should have an environment where every child feels safe, valued, and celebrated.
Radrodro says teachers are the epitome of empowerment in students’ lives where they mould students’ futures and shape their character.
He says it’s a time of love and happiness is wishing everyone a colourful and joyous Holi.
Holi will be celebrated this Saturday.
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