Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim in immigration custody

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim in immigration custody

By Vijay Narayan , Mosese Raqio
Friday 08/09/2023
Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua and Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim is currently in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant according to Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua.

Speaking to fijivillage News this afternoon, Tikoduadua confirms that Kim has been located and he is a prohibited immigrant.

He says there is a court order that stops Kim from being removed now but they are appealing the court decision.

Tikoduadua confirmed yesterday that Daniel Kim was on the run after his passport was nullified by the Korean Government, and the Fijian Government stated that it was unable to locate him.

Tikoduadua said 7 other people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Also on the run is Jin Sook Yoon.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals' passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

He says yesterday a task force, consisting of Police and Immigration officers, began the removal of these individuals.

Kim had called a press conference at Grace Road Navua yesterday afternoon refuting claims by Tikoduadua that he is on the run and he had demanded an apology from the Minister.

Kim said Tikoduadua needs to apologise for the comments that he has made towards him and his other associates as it is all false comments.

He has also asked Tikoduadua if he knows what the word "cult" means after he used the term on Kim and his other associates.

Kim said if they were a cult, why were they still getting support from organisations.

He said after the statement by Tikoduadua, Grace Road Group has been bombarded with questions from many business associates and well-wishers.

Kim has also confirmed that the two Grace Road members namely Byeong Joon Lee and Boemseop Shin have been removed from the country without the group's knowledge or information about the removal process and they are genuinely surprised by the sudden stance by the Police and Immigration. He says their lawyers had successfully obtained a court order to forbid the removal of the two members and have since obtained orders forbidding the removal of the remaining members including Kim himself.

Kim says they have instructed their lawyers as well to take active steps to review the process undertaken by the police and the Immigration which they believe is heavy-handed and subject to legal actions.

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