Govt is conducting itself consistent with the provisions of the Constitution – PM
Rabuka says no ordinary govt worker will lose their job

Govt is conducting itself consistent with the provisions of the Constitution – PM

Rabuka says no ordinary govt worker will lose their job

By Naveel Krishant
Friday 06/01/2023
Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka [Image: Fiji Government]

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka has emphasised that the Coalition government is conducting itself consistent with the provisions of the Constitution.

While delivering a video statement today, Rabuka says it seems to him and his colleagues that the former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum the key figure in the preparation for the 2013 Constitution, was driven by a sense that FijiFirst would rule Fiji forever.

Rabuka says even the former Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama had made a similar statement recently.

The PM adds that change has arrived.

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He says the Bainimarama government re-appointed many Permanent Secretaries not long before the elections.

Rabuka says that was clearly inappropriate and disrespectful and those appointments should have been left to the incoming government.

He adds no ordinary government worker will lose their job.

Rabuka says those who will attract their scrutiny are the political appointees, especially those being paid exorbitant salaries.

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