Girmit records will now be digitized for public access

Girmit records will now be digitized for public access

By Sheral Roshan
Saturday 28/09/2024
Source : Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs & Sugar Industry-Fiji

In a significant step to preserve and promote Fiji’s rich cultural heritage, the Ministry of Multi-Ethnic Affairs has started the preparatory works for the compilation and digitalization of Girmit records.

The Ministry aims to transfer historical Girmit documents into a digital format for the public to access, which is currently stored in a hard copy and manual filing system.

The Ministry says the primary objectives of this exercise is to preserve the legacy of the Girmitiyas, digitize all girmit records, create a unified database and create a platform to ensure resources are available for future generations.

They say the digitalization initiative aligns with Fiji’s National Development Goals emphasizing the preservation of culture, heritage, and traditional knowledge.

The Ministry says the project will focus on four major clusters of records, which are, Immigration Passes, Ship Records, Plantation Records and Repatriation Records.

Minister for Multi-Ethnic Affairs and Sugar Industry Charan Jeath Singh says it is vital to preserve those document and digitalize it and make those accessible for the public to honor our historical ties.

Singh says the Ministry is committed to leveraging modern technology to enhance public access to important historical data, once the digitization process is completed the Girmit database software will be handed over to National Achieves of Fiji to administrator within their domain to guarantee their long-term preservation and public accessibility.

He says as we strive towards a more inclusive and culturally rich future, the Ministry extends an invitation to all people to participate in and support this effort.

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