The Chairman of the Constitution Commission Yash Ghai said the Prime Minster Voreqe Bainimarama’s attack on Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi for the consultancy with the Constitution Commission is unfair.
According to Ghai the decree wisely provides for the commission to seek the assistance of experts on specialised issues.
Ghai added in the case of Ratu Joni not only is he known for his wide knowledge and experience of the law, but also of social and political affairs, and has a deep understanding of traditional cultures in his role as a traditional leader.
According to Professor Ghai Ratu Joni had also made it clear that he was intending to make his own submission and asked the Commission if this would create a conflict.
The commission considered and concluded that there would be no conflict.
Professor Ghai further explains that the contractual arrangements for the consultancy do not provide for an automatic payment for 30 days.
This is the maximum period, and payments were made only for the days Ratu Joni worked for the Commission.
Ghai further added that on the day of the public hearing Ratu Joni neither claimed nor was paid for the day.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama had questioned the impartiality of the commission and has instructed the government to alter the terms of the Constitution Commission Decree which now requires the commission to publish the names and salaries of all its staff and consultants.
Story by: Gwen McGoon