George Speight pardoned after 24 years

George Speight pardoned after 24 years

By fijivillage
Monday 23/09/2024
(L-R) George Speight catching up with his elder brother Samisoni Tikoinasau after 24 long years. [Image: Jacqueline Speight]

2000 coup leader George Speight and CRW leader Shane Stevens granted presidential pardons and released.

Speight was serving a life sentence for the charge of treason while Stevens was serving a life sentence for the charge of mutiny.

George Speight focuses on family first

By Vijay Narayan
Monday 23/09/2024
Source : Jacqueline Speight

2000 coup leader, George Speight is focusing on family first before any public statements are made by him.

fijivillage News has been in contact with the family after Speight’s pardon and release at the end of last week.

Speight’s niece, Jacqueline has posted a photo of George and his elder brother, Samisoni Tikoinasau also known as Sam Speight Junior.

The post says “Reunited after 24 long years, the brothers come together in freedom, celebrating the love, memories and unbreakable bond that time can’t erase.”

Calls have been made by people like the former Prime Minister, Mahendra Chaudhry for Speight to reveal who was behind the 2000 coup after his pardon and release.

Speight’s release has reopened old wounds for those who suffered loss during the 2000 coup - Lal

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 20/09/2024
Opposition MP, Ketan Lal and leader of the 2000 coup, George Speight.

Opposition MP, Ketan Lal says they have received countless heartfelt messages from fellow Fijians who are deeply saddened and disappointed by the recent decision to release and pardon the leader of the 2000 coup, George Speight.

Lal says he understands that this decision has reopened old wounds for those who suffered loss whether it be family, livelihoods, business, or needed to leave our beloved country for safety back in those dark days.

He says the scars from the events of 2000 remain fresh for many, and he stands with the people in recognizing the profound impact this has had on their lives and the nation as a whole.

Lal says while he hears and shares people’s concerns, this is the reality we are living in and he does not have the authority to reverse or challenge the decision made.

2000 coup leader George Speight and Counter Revolutionary Warfare leader Shane Stevens have been granted Presidential pardons, and released from custody.

The two are among seven pardoned by the Mercy Commission.

George Speight was charged with treason and convicted on his own plea of guilty in 2001.

He had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment in 2002, and Speight has been imprisoned for 24 years, 1 month and 23 days, which is 8,820 days, both on Nukulau Island and at the Naboro Corrections Facility.

Shane Stevens was convicted of Incitement to Mutiny in 2002. Stevens has been incarcerated in jail for a total of 21 years, 8 months and 20 days, which is 7,934 days at Naboro Prison.

Chaudhry calls on George Speight to reveal the truth about the 2000 coup

He had said he was not the real leader or instigator of the coup - Chaudhry
By Vijay Narayan
Friday 20/09/2024
Former Prime Minister and Fiji Labour Party Leader, Mahendra Chaudhry and George Speight

Now that he is a free man, one hopes George Speight will reveal the truth about the 2000 coup. He has maintained right from the beginning that he was not the real leader or instigator of the coup.

Those are the words of former Prime Minister and Fiji Labour Party Leader, Mahendra Chaudhry after the release of George Speight who led the 2000 invasion of Parliament to oust the democratically elected Chaudhry-led government.

Chaudhry says at the time of Speight’s sentencing in February 2002, he told the media that “… if the Police were honest with even the shoddy evidence on the table at the moment his case was called, he would be in very distinguished company on Nukulau not only in numbers but in names as well.”

The former Prime Minister says if George Speight is truly contrite about the violence and devastation his reckless actions unleashed on the nation, the least he can do in recompense is to disclose the truth about 2000.

Chaudhry says the 2000 coup unleashed months of anarchy and violence on the country, and Speight’s release has sent tremors of apprehension throughout the nation.

He says particularly concerned are Indo-Fijians who were the major target of the violence and mayhem instigated by Speight and his thugs.

Chaudhry says hundreds of innocent families in rural communities were traumatised, and driven from their homes and farms, victims of months of terror and violence.

The former Prime Minister says members of the Chaudhry government were kept hostage in Parliament at gunpoint for 56 days – constantly subjected to threats, humiliation and physical and mental torture by the rebel soldiers.

Chaudhry asks who is going to ensure justice to the innocent victims of Speight’s actions.

He says any moves to free those guilty of treason and such horrendous crimes against humanity, should have first been preceded by efforts to provide justice and a sense of reconciliation to the innocent victims of their actions.

The FLP Leader says treason is a serious crime carrying a mandatory life sentence.

Chaudhry says Speight’s release ahead of a Truth and Reconciliation process is disappointing as it has re-opened the outrage of 2000 without the healing that should have preceded it.

He says it has undermined the nation’s sense of justice and will have far reaching consequences on national unity and people’s confidence in the current government but he says it does not really come as a surprise.

Chaudhry says Speight’s release was foreshadowed by an election promise made by Sitiveni Rabuka at a rally in Nasinu just weeks before the 2022 general elections.

He says judging by the Rabuka government’s priorities since taking office, it was just a matter of time before Speight was set free following the earlier release of his co-conspirators Joe Nata and Timoci Silatolu, barely six months ago.

2000 coup leader George Speight and CRW leader Shane Stevens granted presidential pardons and released

By Alipate Narawa
Friday 20/09/2024
2000 coup leader George Speight and Counter Revolutionary Warfare leader Shane Stevens

2000 coup leader George Speight and Counter Revolutionary Warfare leader Shane Stevens have been granted Presidential pardons.

They have been officially discharged from custody.

The two are among seven pardoned by the Mercy Commission, during its meeting held yesterday, who reviewed the petitions.

Speight was serving a life sentence for the charge of treason while Stevens was serving a life sentence for the charge of mutiny.

Also released are Sekina Vosavakatini, Nioni Tagici, James Sanjesh Goundar, Adi Livini Radininausori and John Miller.

The Mercy Commission which was established under section 119(3) of the Constitution, has the power to recommend to the President of Fiji: (a) grant a free or conditional pardon, (b) postpone the carrying out of a punishment for a specific or indeterminate period, or (c) remit all or part of a punishment for every person convicted of a criminal offence.

The Mercy Commission says on 11th September 2024, they reviewed a total of 10 Mercy petitions.

They say after careful deliberation, the Commission made recommendations regarding the petitions of Mahendralal Patel, George Ilikini Naitini Speight, and Shane Gurt Nailatikau Stevens, along with seven others.

The Commission says Mahendralal Patel, also known as Mahendra Motibhai Patel, was charged with Abuse of Office in 2006, and convicted in absentia on 20th November 2014.

They say he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment.

An earlier petition to the Mercy Commission was submitted by Patel on 4th April, 2023 and was dismissed.

They say on 13th June 2024, the Commission received a letter for reconsideration of Patel’s petition from his lawyers.

The Commission deliberated on his second petition and took into account his age, the length of time he was away from Fiji and his substantial contribution to the nation.

As a result, the Commission recommended a conditional pardon for Patel, contingent on his not reoffending.

The Commission says George Speight was charged with treason and convicted on his own plea of guilty in 2001.

They say he had his death sentence commuted to life imprisonment in 2002, and Speight has been imprisoned for 24 years, 1 month and 23 days, which is 8,820 days, both on Nukulau Island and at the Naboro Corrections Facility.

He had no previous convictions.

The Commission says the Fiji Corrections Service provided positive reports on Speight's behaviour, recommending a pardon.

They say psychological and judicial assessments were also reviewed, with the Fiji Corrections Service supporting his reintegration into society.

The Commission then recommended that the President grant mercy to Speight, postponing the carrying out of his punishment for an indeterminate period, in recognition of his rehabilitation and the length of time he has served in prison.

The Mercy Commission says Shane Stevens was convicted of Incitement to Mutiny in 2002.

They say Stevens has been incarcerated in jail for a total of 21 years, 8 months and 20 days, which is 7,934 days at Naboro Prison.

He had no previous convictions.

The Commission says reports and evaluations from the Fiji Corrections Service recommended Stevens for a pardon, citing his positive progress during imprisonment.

They say after careful consideration, the Commission has recommended that Stevens be granted mercy by postponing the carrying out of his punishment for an indeterminate period.

The Commission says President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere, has acted on the recommendations of the Mercy Commission under Section 119(5) of the Constitution on 18th September 2024. The Commission confirms that its decisions have been made in accordance with the Constitution.

Shane Stevens seeks forgiveness from families of fallen soldiers in 2000 mutiny

Remember the oath you took when you joined the RFMF – GCC Chair
By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 02/11/2024

Counter Revolutionary Warfare leader Shane Stevens, who was pardoned by President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere in September this year, took part in the RFMF Reconciliation and Restoration service at Queen Elizabeth Barracks today.

Stevens sought forgiveness from the families of those that died at QEB during the 2000 mutiny.

Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka had said during the service that he asked the President to release former Prime Minister and former RFMF Commander Voreqe Bainimarama and former Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho so they can be part of today's event.

It was an emotional time for the eight families, and they managed to pull themselves together and forgive Stevens for what transpired in 2000.

Chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs and former Fiji military officer Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, urged the RFMF to stay true to the oaths they had taken when they joined the military.

While presenting a tabua or whale's tooth on behalf of the Government, the Vanua and the people of Fiji, Ratu Viliame says if the old and former military personnel had kept to heart the oaths they took, nothing would have happened.

He says looking at the operations of the RFMF back in the day, we had forgotten the oaths that we took in front of God, which had resulted in the discord.

He adds we had to listen to the voice of men rather than listening to God, who they had put their faith in when they started in the military.

The Chairman hopes this reconciliation and restoration program will be a new beginning for the RFMF.

Meanwhile, it was an emotional day for the eight families of military personnel who were killed at QEB during the 2000 mutiny.

They were accorded a matanigasau (traditionally seeking forgiveness) from the RFMF Commander Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai.

Speaking to the eight families, Prime Minister Rabuka apologized to them, saying that he was the one to be blamed as he started the coup culture on 14th May 1987, when he didn't follow the laws of Fiji.

He says if he did not do what he had done in 1987, then nothing of such would have happened in 2000.

Rabuka hopes today's service will build a new bridge and new hope for the RFMF.

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A representative of the eight families urged the RFMF not to be greedy and to ensure that they upheld the oaths they had taken when they joined the military force.

Speaking on behalf of the RFMF, Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai says they are here to ask for forgiveness for the things that had transpired in 2000.

He says most of them have searched for answers for the past 24 years and today, the RFMF family seeks their forgiveness.

Maj. Gen Kalouniwai says this is the start of a new pathway for them as they try to steer our country back to its diplomatic state.

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