Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama said Opposition MP, Viliame Gavoka should be investigated by Police who had said that he is there to support whoever supports SODELPA’s cause while trying to visit the people who are held on sedition charges in Lautoka.
Bainimarama made this comment while opposing Gavoka’s motion to establish a retirement home industry in Fiji and that government works to implement the necessary enabling infrastructure.
The Prime Minister stressed that Gavoka does not realise that this requires stability.
Leader of Opposition, Ro Teimumu Kepa then made a point of order saying the speech must be relevant to the motion.
Bainimarama continued stressing on the topic of stability saying it is relevant.
The Prime Minister also said the RFMF which brought about stability in the country was attacked by the Opposition yesterday and this morning a member of the NFP termed the RFMF as a terrorist group.
NFP’s President, Tupou Draunidalo then highlighted that Bainimarama has personalised the issue.
Meanwhile, Gavoka stated that there is no instability in his right of reply.
Gavoka’s motion was defeated in Parliament.
Parliament has been adjourned to the 14th of next month.
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