Fijian peacekeepers will now carry a new category of passports after the Passports Amendment Bill was enacted by parliament.
28 parliamentarians voted for the bill while 16 voted against it and 7 did not vote.
The significant amendment to the bill allows Fijian peacekeepers to carry a new category of passports called the Fijian Official Passport.
Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum said the amendment will now allow Fijian peacekeepers to travel safely between hostile borders in the Middle East.
He said Fijian soldiers handing in their passport in an Arab country with an Israeli stamp can cause their visa to be delayed or put on hold.
The Fijian Official Passport will only be used by peacekeepers when they are officially on a tour of duty and it cannot be used for any personal travel.
A person who would abuse the Fijian Official passport will be subjected to disciplinary action determined by the Commander of the RFMF, Commissioner of Police or Commissioner Corrections Service.
The Opposition was against the Passports Amendment Bill.
Opposition Whip, Ratu Isoa Tikoca said the amendment was covert in nature while NFP parliamentarian Prem Singh questioned how the bill would make peacekeeping easier for Fijian soldiers.
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