Fiji Cancer Society assisting 50 cancer patients in the West with essential needs

Fiji Cancer Society assisting 50 cancer patients in the West with essential needs

By Rashika Kumar
Thursday 27/05/2021
[Image: Fiji Cancer Society]

The Fiji Cancer Society is assisting 50 cancer patients in the Western Division with groceries, medication, diapers and other necessities as they are struggling to make ends meet.

Society CEO, Belinda Chan says they understand the sacrifices the families make not only to ensure that the sick are taken care of but the children are fed well.

She says about 150 cancer patients in the West have registered with them and their teams have identified patients that absolutely need the assistance.

They have provided grocery vouchers to buy supplies for the patients, diapers for palliative cases and medication top up if there is a need.

Chan says they are also working closely with the team at Lautoka Hospital to help cancer patients there.

The CEO says they have also continued to provide their normal services such as home visitations and providing whatever support is needed for the patients.

Chan has also highlighted they are looking at forming a new partnership with a Lautoka based NGO – BIRTH Fiji to provide counselling services to patients.

If you or your loved one is a cancer patient and you need assistance you can reach out to the Fiji Cancer Society on 9990670.

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