Facebook bans prominent right wing personalities

Facebook bans prominent right wing personalities

By Semi Turaga
Friday 03/05/2019
[Photo: The New York Times] Conspiracy theorist and founder of Infowars Alex Jones and others have been banned from Facebook

Facebook is banning several prominent figures it regards as "dangerous individuals".

The social network accused Alex Jones, host of right‑wing conspiracy website InfoWars, its UK editor Paul Joseph Watson and ex‑Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos of hate speech.

Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader who has expressed anti‑Semitic views, will also be excluded.

BBC reports the latest ban also applies on Instagram, which Facebook owns.

The firm said it would remove pages, groups and accounts set up to represent them, and would not allow the promotion of events when it knows the banned individual is participating.

In an email to the BBC, Facebook explained its rationale for banning the users:

- It said Alex Jones had hosted on his programme Gavin McInnes, leader of the Proud Boys, whose members are known for racist, anti‑Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. McInnes has been designated a "hate figure" by Facebook

- Facebook said this year Milo Yiannopoulos had publicly praised both McInnes and English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson, both banned from the network.

- Laura Loomer also appeared with McInnes and Facebook said she also praised another banned figure, Faith Goldy, a Canadian

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan was banned for making several anti‑Semitic remarks earlier this year.



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