The Fiji Roads Authority is investigating the use of Bailey Bridges as a long term solution for a number of bridge replacements.
FRA Chief Executive Officer John Hutchinson says they installed a bailey bridge alongside Vugalei Bridge in Kings Road this month.
He says they will be in use until FRA completes renovating the slab and beams on the existing bridge which may take a year.
Hutchinson says any major repair works such as the emergency repairs to the Vugalei Bridge require a detour or diversion such as this Bailey bridge to be put in place before full works can commence.
He says the cost of installing the temporary Vugalei Bailey Bridge and constructing the approaches and traffic diversion is approximately $280,000.
Hutchinson says the Bailey bridge has sufficient capacity to accommodate all legal loads as currently accommodated on the Vugalei Bridge.
He says they have a supply of Bailey bridges to provide relief on the road network when faced with challenging bridge conditions.
Hutchinson says the FRA currently has limited stock of these Bailey bridges and they are looking to procure additional stock as it is a necessary alternative when working to keep our main roads open.
He says these Bailey bridges offer a low cost, effective and robust bridging solution that if well maintained will last for many years.
Hutchinson says the FRA’s priority is to keep the major arterial roads, especially the Queens and Kings Roads open at all times.
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