The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption has confirmed that they received 43 complaints last month where 11 complaints were corruption-related in nature and were recommended for either preliminary investigation or a full investigation.
FICAC says 22 complaints were non-corruption-related and were referred to the appropriate authorities for further action.
FICAC says for the same period last year 37 complaints were lodged and assessed by the Legal and Prosecution Department where 20 were classified as corruption-related complaints and recommended for either preliminary or full investigation.
They highlighted 17 complaints that were classified as non-corruption-related and were referred to the relevant authorities for further action.
FICAC adds they have also initiated legal proceedings in a case involving a male accused who has been charged with one count of obtaining financial advantage.
They further say during the reporting period, one case was withdrawn from the court and the Prosecution filed a Nolle Prosequi due to the unavailability of key witnesses, who could not be recalled as they had either passed away or migrated.
FICAC says they have conducted 18 awareness sessions, 2 anti-bribery launches and one workshop for 37 people for the reporting.
FICAC adds they remain committed to upholding the integrity of the justice system by ensuring that all cases are pursued with fairness and due process.
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