Dutt grateful to Police for holding Remembrance Day celebration to commemorate fallen heroes

Dutt grateful to Police for holding Remembrance Day celebration to commemorate fallen heroes

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Friday 29/09/2023
Rajeshni Dutt and her family

It was a memorable day for 46-year-old Rajeshni Dutt when she attended the Fiji Police Force Remembrance Day at the Police Special Response Unit in Makoi.

Dutt is the wife of Curriculum Specialist, Naveen Dutt, who passed away on the 24th of last month due to a heart attack.

She says it's great to be part of the service this morning, knowing that her husband served with dignity and just.

Dutt says it has been a struggle after her husband passed away, but she is thankful for the support from her family and the police family as a whole.

She adds both her sons are still in shock that their father has passed on.

Dutt, who works as a Curriculum Specialist for the Education Ministry, says she is grateful that the Police hold such events to commemorate fallen officers who gave their lives to serve the people of Fiji.

While officiating during the Remembrance Day celebration, Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua commended the Fiji Police Force for continuing the tradition of acknowledging and commemorating fallen heroes.

He says we remember them for the great things they have done for the Force and their service to the country.

Tikoduadua says when we celebrate this Day, we should always keep them in a special place in our hearts so that their dedication and sacrifices will not go unacknowledged.

He also told Police Officers that the high standard of Police service should be upheld and they should always stand for truth and respect the uniforms they are wearing.

The Minister also reminded them of the roles and responsibilities they have in serving the people and the nation.

A wreath-laying ceremony was conducted by the invited guests and family members of fallen officers.

Attending the Remembrance Day celebration this morning were the Deputy Commissioner of Police Sakeo Raikaci, former Assistant Commissioner of Police Rusiate Tudravu, Acting Director of Public Prosecution Ratu David Toganivalu, members of the diplomatic core and family members of 13 officers who passed away during their service.

Meanwhile, the Fiji Police Force held their Remembrance Day in all the divisions.

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