The Dudley Intermediate School’s U14 netball team has lodged a complaint against Waiqanake District School for fielding a student who was not registered during the TFL Suva Primary Schools Netball today.
According to the organisers they will be looking into the matter and will have an outcome on Monday.
Waiqanake had beaten Dudley 10-6 in the quarterfinals today.
Meanwhile, a new champion will be crowned in the U10 and U12 grades.
In the U10 defending champions Veiuto Primary School lost to Suva Primary School 3-2 in the quarterfinals while in the U12 Gospel Primary School beat defending champions Stella Marist 6-3.
The full draws of the semi finals in the U9 will see Suva Primary 1 take on Saint Agnes while Christian Mission Fellowship Primary School 2 play defending champions Stella Marist.
The U10 will see Saint Agnes up against CMF 2 while Stella Marist meets Suva Primary School.
In the U11 defending champions Stella Marist take on Saint Agnes while Veiuto Primary School plays Suva Primary School.
The U12, Gospel meet Veiuto 1 while Dudley Intermediate faces Christian Mission Fellowship Primary.
In the U13 CMF meet Samabula Primary School while Suva Primary takes on Saint Agnes.
The U14 will see Stella Marist take on Suva Primary while Veiuto await the orgainsers decision on Waiqanake and Dudley.
The semifinals and the finals will be held next Saturday.