Drugs situation has overtaken us - Naivalurua

Drugs situation has overtaken us - Naivalurua

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 09/07/2024
Independent Member of Parliament Ioane Naivalurua. [Image: Parliament of Fiji]

Independent Member of Parliament Ioane Naivalurua says he applauds the efforts of the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua, in establishing the Narcotics Bureau, but from what he hears on the ground, the situation has overtaken us.

While offering his response to the 2024/2025 National Budget, Naivalurua says drugs are easily and readily available on our streets. He questions the coalition government if their effort matches the crisis.

The former FijiFirst MP says in scrutinising this budget, our words appear empty as much of the counter-narcotic strategy 2023 which still needs to be funded in the various ministries identified as stakeholders.

He says the launch of the counter-narcotic strategy is a positive step forward, however, he has some questions. Naivalurua asks if the strategies in this document will effectively disrupt the flow and use of drugs, and does this sends a clear signal to the syndicates seeking to exploit our borders and people.

He says if this will create a national conscience where everyone must stand and fight this together.

The Independent MP also asks if this will return Fiji to a safe and stable nation as the battle against drugs requires a vigorous and immediate response, not a bureaucratic one.

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