Drama continues : Miss Universe Fiji 2024 is Manshika Prasad and will go to Miss Universe in Mexico
Nadine and MUF license holder McIntyre have a relationship - Dwyer

Drama continues : Miss Universe Fiji 2024 is Manshika Prasad and will go to Miss Universe in Mexico

Nadine and MUF license holder McIntyre have a relationship - Dwyer

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 06/09/2024

More drama in the Miss Universe Fiji as the contracted organisers have today stated that the rightful winner is Manshika Prasad, and this is based on an official call with the Miss Universe Organisation www.missuniverse.com earlier today.

And questions are also being raised on how Nadine Roberts was part of the contest as she has a relationship with the license holder Miss Universe Fiji, Jamie McIntyre.


Source : ABC

The Miss Universe Fiji 2024 Director Event Management, Grant Dwyer confirmed to fijivillage News from Sydney that they have been advised to confirm that Manshika Prasad is the rightful winner and express their support for her representation of Fiji at the Miss Universe International event in Mexico, mid-November this year.

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When questioned on the alleged conflict of interest where contestant, Nadine Roberts and the Miss Universe Fiji license holder have a relationship, Dwyer says the vetting process was handled by LUX and they have to ensure water tight processes in the future.

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They reiterate the fairness and transparency of the judging process, which resulted in Prasad receiving a decisive 4-3 vote in her favour.

Dwyer says this has been a distressing time for Manshika Prasad, the other finalists, the judges, the sponsors and the organizers of that was an incredible event.

Questions are also being asked on how the Miss Universe Fiji license has been secured by a foreign national and how the contestants were chosen because there was no public call.

There are suggestions that the call to enter was made on Instagram.

Miss Universe Fiji license holder, Jamie McIntyre is a banned businessman.

In 2016, the ABC reported that a Federal Court judge banned McIntyre from managing corporations for 10 years, after he was found to have run five unlawful managed investment schemes, which cost 152 investors AUD$7 million.

McIntyre was also tied to a sunken superyacht, but strongly denied that he was its current owner.

He said it was owned by a boat syndicate, mostly overseas owners who don't live in Australia.

He had said he had plans to buy the boat as "a wedding present".

McIntyre said he used to own it and was buying it back as shareholders wanted it sold, once its commercial survey for charter was complete.

It has been reported in 2022 that McIntyre married Brisbane influencer and "entrepreneur" Nadine Roberts in May.

We have sent questions to the Miss Universe Fiji license representative. They are yet to respond.

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