Currently 78% of Fiji’s population have access to safe and clean water - Usamate

Currently 78% of Fiji’s population have access to safe and clean water - Usamate

By Naveel Krishant
Thursday 29/08/2019
Minister for Infrastructure Jone Usamate [Photo:Fijian Government]

Minister for Infrastructure Jone Usamate says currently 78% of Fiji’s population have access to safe and clean water. 

While commissioning the Gusuisavu Village Rural Water Scheme Project in Naitasiri, Usamate says Fiji through its 5 year and 20 year National Development Plan has set an ambitious target of having 100% access to safe, drinking water by 2030 and  and Government is optimistic that this target will be achieved as planned.

Usamate says access to clean water is both a fundamental right of every Fijian, as enshrined by the Fijian Constitution, and an essential component of sustainable development.

Usamate says they cannot sustain life without it, they cannot sustain communities without it.

The Minister adds government has implemented basic infrastructure projects such as this one, as water is the single most precious building block for development.

He says  the Water Authority of Fiji is responsible for helping achieve Government’s vision to give every household access to clean water and efficient and effective waste water services.


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