Concerns raised on why the Housing Authority wastes a person’s time in acquiring land if they know they will not qualify

Concerns raised on why the Housing Authority wastes a person’s time in acquiring land if they know they will not qualify

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 29/08/2020
[Image: Housing Authority of Fiji]

A citizen has raised concerns on why the land that was supposed to be given to him was declined at the last minute even though he has incurred so much cost in trying to get a piece of land to build his house.

Ashnil Chandra highlighted this during the public consultation at Lautoka Civic Centre, where a three-member Public Inquiry Committee has started looking into the possible irregularities and fraudulent transactions concerning the allocation of lots by the Housing Authority of Fiji in the past 10 years. Chandra claims that he has submitted all the relevant documents to the Housing Authority in Valelevu four times and whenever he asks them about any update, they have been saying that his documents are lost or have been misplaced.

He says that the Authority had given him the land in Matavolivoli, Nadi to build his home and he has been trying his best to secure that land.

Chandra adds that it was a waste of time for him in trying to secure the land because at the last minute he was told that he did not qualify as he was about to retire and there is no source of water in that area.

The Chairperson of the Committee Seema Shandil says that Chandra should provide them with the evidence and they will look into the matter.

She says with this committee, transparency and accountability will be their hallmark.

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