College of Agriculture fisheries and forestry ready to defend open day best exhibition booth trophy

College of Agriculture fisheries and forestry ready to defend open day best exhibition booth trophy

By fijivillage
Wednesday 11/10/2023
[Image: fnu.ac.fj]

Students and visitors attending the Fiji National University (FNU) 2023 Open Day can expect an interesting and engaging displays of programmes and equipment from the College of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (CAFF).

The College was awarded the best booth exhibit award at Nasinu Campus last year and is ready to provide visitors this year with a more captivating experience at the booth.

FNU will be hosting its 2023 Open Day, themed, ‘Dreams to Reality’ from October 5-7 at four campuses across Fiji.

The 2023 Open Day will be held at the Naduna campus in Labasa from October 5-6, Namaka campus in Nadi and Natabua campus in Lautoka on October 6 and at our Nasinu Campus from October 6-7.

Acting Dean CAFF, Dr Kailova Ravuiwasa encouraged visitors and the general public to mark the dates and visit the nearest campus during the Open Day.

“I want to extend invitations to all primary, secondary schools and the public to visit the CAFF booth this year as our displays this year will be bigger, better, vigorous, and more robust than what we had offered in past years,” Dr Ravuiwasa said.

“Like they say, winning a trophy or a title is not as difficult as defending it. We look forward to this competition whilst also providing our visitors with a rewarding time when visiting the FNU Open Day.”

CAFF offers a range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) courses that not only focus on academics, but also have real-world applications.

The TVET programmes offered by the College are Certificate in Agriculture (Level 3), Diploma in Animal Husbandry (Level 5), Diploma in Agriculture (Level 5), Diploma in Agroforestry (Level 5), Diploma in Applied Fisheries (Level 5), Diploma in Aquaculture (Level 5), Diploma in Forestry (Level 5), Diploma in Wood Processing & Value Adding (Level 5) and Diploma in Animal Health (Level 6).

The Higher Education programmes that are offered include the Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Bachelor of Science in Forestry (Honours), Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Master of Science in Agriculture, Master of Science in Forestry, Master of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary Science by Research and Doctor of Philosophy (Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary Science).

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