Bill to repeal Media Industry Development Act tabled
This does not mean the media can report on anything and everything without authentic sources - AG

Bill to repeal Media Industry Development Act tabled

This does not mean the media can report on anything and everything without authentic sources - AG

By Naveel Krishant
Monday 03/04/2023
Attorney General Siromi Turaga [Image: Parliament of the Republic of Fiji]

The bill to repeal the Media Industry Development Act 2010 has been tabled in parliament by the Attorney-General Siromi Turaga.

While tabling the bill, Turaga says there is a real need to urgently repeal the Act as it does not serve any practical purpose other than to unnecessarily limit media organisations and its operations.

The AG says this does not mean the media can report on anything and everything without authentic sources and facts.

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Turaga further says the Act was promulgated as a Decree in 2010, at a time when there was no parliament and there was no opposition party to question the need for such an Act.

He adds since the commencement of the Act, it has been repeatedly criticised and viewed as a oppressive media law.

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The bill will be debated on Thursday.

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