Belfort beats Evander Holyfield with a first round TKO

Belfort beats Evander Holyfield with a first round TKO

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Sunday 12/09/2021
Evander Holyfield fell to Vitor Belfort via a first round TKO on Saturday in Florida. (Chandan Khanna/AFP/Getty Images)

Boxing legend and former World Heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield lost to Brazilian Vitor Belfort in his return to the ring this afternoon.

The former World Heavyweight champion got knocked out after 1 minute and 49 seconds in the first round with a brutal left uppercut from Belfort.

There were pre-fight concerns over the age and condition of Holyfield, who was fighting in Florida just one month before his 59th birthday.

Former US President Donald Trump, who was a special commentator for the fight says it is so unusual to see the former champion getting knocked out in the first round because they had watched him for a big part of their lives.

[Source: FoxSports]

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