Conway Beg has tendered his resignation from the Fiji Rakavi Football Union Limited citing increased work commitments and for a particular personal reason.
Fiji Rugby Chairman, John Sanday has confirmed this to fijivillage News, and says they have a process for replacement of a Director under the Articles of Association of Fiji Rakavi Football Union Limited.
Sanday says the replacement Director has gone through the nominations process and has accepted the appointment.
He says the registry is being updated and once this is accepted by Registrar of Companies, they will be making a formal announcement.
Sanday says they expect the formal announcement to happen sometime very soon.
Sanday has also admitted to fijivillage News that the Fiji Rakavi Football Union Limited is facing challenges as all the staff still report to the Football Union trustees led by Peter Mazey.
He says they are waiting for the trustees to provide them the draft legal documents so they can peruse and return with the board's comments before they can all agree and execute.
Sanday admits they are hamstrung by this at this stage.
He says the bank account is also still under the trustees.
The FRU Chair says they will wait patiently to sort this out amicably and get legal clarity for everyone so they can get on with the business of building Fiji Rugby.
Sanday says it is vitally important for him that they do this amicably so as not to introduce more instability.
He says we have come through 16 years of trauma and it is important that FRU transitions to the new order with stability and focus.
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