Be grateful for the blessing of family this festive season - Saint Christopher’s Home volunteer

Be grateful for the blessing of family this festive season - Saint Christopher’s Home volunteer

By Rashika Kumar
Friday 22/12/2023

As there are many children in the country who do not have a family this festive season, a volunteer at the Saint Christopher’s Home is urging people to be grateful for the blessing of a family if you have it.

Stephanie Smith who has been volunteering at the Home since 2004 says if you are part of a family who love you, than be grateful for that.

In an interview with fijivillage News, Smith says the children will open their presents on Christmas eve and will have lovo lunch on Christmas day.

She says they are grateful for the assistance provided by the Australian Alumni Group.

Smith says the Home has about 34 children, including 7 children in the nursery and the number of children being taken of at the Home has dropped over the years but the seriousness of the cases has increased.

She says they have received children who have been physically, emotionally and sexually abused and neglected.

Smith further says the Home is more than 50 years old and they hope to renovate it next year.

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