Arya Pratinidhi Sabha faces challenge of youth migration - Arya

Arya Pratinidhi Sabha faces challenge of youth migration - Arya

By Aaryan Pal , Rashika Kumar
Saturday 10/02/2024
Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji - Media Relations Officer Kamlesh Arya

The Arya Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji is facing the challenge of youths leaving the country and migrating overseas and it is difficult to contain them.

This has been highlighted by Sabha Media Relations Officer Kamlesh Arya during the 200th birth anniversary celebration of Arya Samaj founder Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati at the DAV College in Nabua last night.

In an interview with fijivillage News, Arya says if the Samaj does not have young people, there would not be any youthful projects and the Samaj’s work is left on the shoulders of seniors and they will not be able to sustain the future.

Arya says this is a lifetime event for the current generation.

He says they are trying to re-establish themselves on the principles the Samaj has achieved in the last 200 years from Swami Dayanand’s birth till his death.

Arya says they are also taking stock of how the Samaj has implemented those principles and objectives that he had set for his people.

He says this is the occasion to celebrate their successes and work towards the Vedic values of one family, one world and one community.

Arya further says the Samaj has been doing charity everyday so this event is not anything so specific for charity works as they will continue with charity work in future.

He says Maharshi Dayanand has always promoted universality of the human rights and that we are all related and are members of one big family.

Meanwhile, celebrations continue as the foundation of the Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati Nagar Gate will be laid today and there will also be sports and other functions organised for the next two days.

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