The leader of the Fiji Labour Party Mahendra Chaudhry has today confirmed that party rules will now apply in relation to the public statement made about the party by the FLP delegate for Vuda and party member Felix Anthony.
Chaudhry said this process will now be undertaken.
Felix Anthony has today released a statement titled “FLP no longer represents workers” as the national secretary of the Fiji Trades Union Congress.
Anthony has revealed that he walked out of the Fiji Labour Party annual delegates conference over the weekend over what he terms as frustration as he witnessed firsthand the practices and operations of the party.
Anthony claimed that he had discussions with FLP Leader Mahendra Chaudhry before the conference and an agreement was reached that the election of the party office bearers be deferred as consultations were needed to get credible people to take up the positions.
He said he highlighted his concerns on the fact that many well educated, professional and people of good standing have over the period left FLP because he said there is no tolerance for debate, opposing views and any questions are interpreted as a challenge to the leadership.
Anthony said when the conference started, the election process went ahead although there was an agreement reached earlier.
Anthony said the current lineup of FLP officials is weak and according to him none of the officers have shown real commitment to the party other than to the leader only.
He said those who were in the FLP meeting would have observed the father-and-son, Mahendra and Rajendra Chaudhry, domination on each and every discussion and allowed little room for anyone else to have their say.
Felix Anthony said the Labour Party will become irrelevant and is on a downward slide.
He said the party will see its demise in a very short span of time.
He claimed that Rajendra Chaudhry is FLP’s legal adviser and now the party spokesperson and Anthony said the possible succession of Rajendra as the leader is an absolute disaster.
Mahendra Chaudhry said the election of the office bearers of FLP had to take place as the positions had to be filled.
He said the problem is Anthony did not like that his idea did not get the support of the delegates.
Chaudhry said Anthony should also be civil in his statements when he speaks about the party officials as they have done a lot for the party.
Chaudhry said it is wrong to say that he and Rajendra Chaudhry dominated the discussions in the conference.
Chaudhry said Anthony also seems to be obsessed with Rajendra Chaudhry as he said Rajendra is not the official legal adviser and party spokesman.
Chaudhry said Anthony’s statement is not an official statement from the Fiji Trades Union Congress however FTUC president Daniel Urai has just confirmed that it is an official FTUC statement.
Story by: Vijay Narayan