Adimaitoga says Rabuka is a hypocrite for saying FijiFirst has run Fiji to the ground

Adimaitoga says Rabuka is a hypocrite for saying FijiFirst has run Fiji to the ground

By Faria Begum Ali
Monday 27/07/2020
Assistant Minister for iTaukei Affairs Selai Adimaitoga.

The Assistant Minister for iTaukei Affairs Selai Adimaitoga has called the Opposition Leader Sitiveni Rabuka a hypocrite for saying FijiFirst has run Fiji to the ground.

Adimaitoga suggests that perhaps Rabuka is suffering from memory loss.

She says SODELPA even locked their supporters outside their Annual General Meeting saying it was because of social distancing. She says this is not Fijian like.

Adimaitoga says since COVID-19 reached our shores, it has felt like a rugby match adding that with the 2020/2021 National Budget we have scored an important try and are closer to victory.

She says the reduction of duty and taxes on the 1,600 items that was announced in the 2020/2021 Budget will help the people as times are tough and these items have become harder to purchase.

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