800 mtrs results : MGM’s Rabaleira wins another gold in the girls division

800 mtrs results : MGM’s Rabaleira wins another gold in the girls division

By Vijay Narayan
Saturday 04/05/2024
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School athlete, Resina Rabaleira.

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial High School athlete, Resina Rabaleira has claimed her second gold medal in the 2024 Coca Cola Games after winning the sub junior girls 800 metres final.

Vilisite Tauluva of Namosi Secondary School took the silver medal while Anna Camasei of International School Suva took the bronze medal.

Josefa Nabuka of MGM High School also claimed the gold medal in the 800 metres sub junior final.

Isaiah Tuqiri of Ratu Kadavulevu School settled for the silver medal while Soropepeli Nakasava of Queen Victoria School got the bronze medal. Emi Ratumainabou of Naitasiri Secondary won the gold medal in the junior girls 800 metres, Luisa Mole of Namosi Secondary School took the silver while Valania Vusonilewadra from Lekutu Secondary took the bronze.

Jale Raikatalau of RKS took the gold medal in the junior boys 800 metres, Amani Rakula of RKS took the silver while Ryan David of Korovuto College got the bronze.

Lilieta Buna of Thomas Baker Secondary from Navosa won the gold, Adi Ceva Lutumailagi of Natabua High claimed the silver while Naomi Galo of ACS claimed the bronze in the intermediate girls 800 metres.


Qelevuki Talaqea of Korovuto College claimed the gold medal in the 800 metres intermediate boys final, Leone Liunavanua of Dudley High School got the silver while Orisi Bukasiga of Xavier College got bronze. Naitasiri Secondary School’s Rusila Tabuyawa won the gold medal in the 800 metres senior girls final, Kuini Valebuliti of MGM High settled for the silver medal while Seruwaia Kuru of Vatukaloko Secondary got the bronze.

Abaromo Ratucove of Marist won gold in the senior boys 800 metres, Ratu Ilaitia Matadradra of Nakasi High School had to settle for silver and Samisoni Kaitu of Holy Cross College got the bronze.

The 200 metres finals get underway this hour, the 4x100 metres finals start at about 12pm and the 4x400 metres finals start at 1pm today.

You can follow our coverage on our website and app, fijivillage.

We have selected commentaries on our sister station, Viti FM.

You can also relive all the events from the Coke Games by watching our fijivillage Re-Live videos on our website.

Stay with fijivillage for the running medal tally updates, all the results from the tracks and the field events, and all the interviews with the winning athletes.

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