62 Fijian peacekeepers honoured with medals for service in Iraq

62 Fijian peacekeepers honoured with medals for service in Iraq

By Rashika Kumar
Saturday 22/06/2024
Source : Republic of Fiji Military Forces

It is a special moment as 62 members of the First Battalion Fiji Infantry Regiment, Batt 25 Alpha, serving under the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq have received their peacekeeping medals.

While presenting the medals at the UNICB auditorium in Bagdad, Iraq, UNAMI Chief of Staff, Mark Rutgers says he is very proud of the achievements a small island like Fiji has made 54 years since joining the United General Assembly.

Rutgers says though geographically small, it has consistently demonstrated a tenacity of spirit, punching well above its weight on the international stage since being admitted to the UN General Assembly in 1970 as the first Pacific Island State.

He says that Fiji has shown a steadfast commitment to international peace by contributing more soldiers per capita to UN peacekeeping.

Rutgers says peacekeeping is integral to the country’s national sentiment, reflecting how every Fijian views their remarkable nation’s global role.

He also says that in a world where approximately 150 armed conflicts are devastating communities, often driven by intrastate violence, Fiji’s unifying ethos of service and sacrifice for peace stands as a beacon of hope.

Rutgers adds that the Republic of Fiji Military Forces contributes the largest contingent in the UNAMI, with over 80 percent being first-time UN peacekeepers.

He says despite being new to such operations, the troops have displayed admirable dedication to the mission, coupled with the customary Fijian discipline and resilience honed over decades of service and they see increasing numbers of young servicemen and women filling the ranks and donning the blue beret.

Rutgers also acknowledged the commitment and sacrifices Fijian troops have brought to the UN.

He adds their sacrifices have brought security and stability to the region, upholding Fiji’s distinguished legacy through your unwavering commitment to peace and collective human security.

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