50,000 Gaza children require urgent treatment for malnutrition – UN agency

50,000 Gaza children require urgent treatment for malnutrition – UN agency

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Sunday 16/06/2024
Source: Al Jazeera News

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) says more than 50,000 children in the Gaza Strip require immediate medical treatment for acute malnutrition.

In a statement yesterday, the agency noted with continued restrictions on humanitarian access, people in Gaza continue to face desperate levels of hunger.

The UNRWA teams work tirelessly to reach families with aid, but the situation is catastrophic.

UNICEF spokesperson James Elder also described how difficult it is to not only get aid into Gaza but also to distribute it across the war-battered coastal enclave.

He told Al Jazeera News, that more aid workers have been killed in this war than any war since the advent of the UN.

Elder says on Wednesday, UNICEF had a mission to drive a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10,000 children.

He says their task was to deliver the aid, which was pre-approved by Israeli authorities, from Deir el-Balah to Gaza City.

He says it took 13 hours, and they spent eight of those around checkpoints, arguing around paperwork – was it a truck or a van?

He adds that the reality is this truck was denied access, and those 10,000 children did not get that aid.

One of the main land crossings in Rafah has been closed since Israeli forces seized the area early last month. The move has heightened fears of famine in southern and central Gaza.

Source: Al Jazeera News

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