3-year-old Thea Dauni takes home $250 by winning Legend FM’s Easter Eggo Deco Promo

3-year-old Thea Dauni takes home $250 by winning Legend FM’s Easter Eggo Deco Promo

By Vijay Narayan , Violet Matakibau
Thursday 09/04/2020
3-year-old Thea Dauni

3-year-old Thea Dauni has won Legend FM’s Easter Eggo Deco competition with Ram Sami and Sons – taking home $250.

Eggo Deco required listeners to use eggshells and come up with creative presentations.

The 3-year-old girl worked with her father and used the eggs to depict the theme “Fight Coronavirus its in our Hands”. Using egg shells, they used one holding the Coronavirus and the other was world.

Thea’s mother, Ama Dauni says their daughter decided on the colors and flowers they used in their art.


Ram Sami and Sons Business development Manager Anup Mudliar says all the artwork was creative which made it difficult for them to decide on the winners.

He says they wish to thank all the participants for their efforts and they wish to engage in many more competitions like this in future.

11 Lucky people walked away with cash yesterday.

All stations respectively had their own prize money to give away, 1st Prize being $250, 2nd Prize being $150,3rd Prize being $100.

Viti FM:

1st prize, Asenaca Rokousana of Vuniniudrovu Village.

2nd Prize Sovaia Bale of Namadi.

Radio Navtarang:

1st prize Mohammed Sohail

2nd Prize Rajesh Chand

3r Prize Ashwin Hanif

Radio Sargam:

1st prize Shushil Chand

2nd Prize Hemlata Singh

3rd Prize Rujia Shabnam

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