29 complaints were lodged with the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption and assessed by the Legal and Prosecution Department last month.
FICAC says following the assessment, eighteen complaints were classified as non-corruption related and were referred to the appropriate authorities for further action.
They say ten of the complaints were identified as corruption-related and recommended for either a preliminary or full investigation, while one complaint is still under legal assessment.
FICAC adds for the same period last year, twenty-five complaints were lodged and assessed by the Legal & Prosecution Department.
They say of which, fifteen complaints were classified as corruption-related complaints and were recommended for either preliminary or full investigation.
Ten complaints were classified as non-corruption-related and were referred to the relevant authorities for further action.
FICAC did not initiate any legal proceedings in January 2025.
From January 1st to January 31st, one case, which consisted of two accused persons, was withdrawn from the Courts, and the prosecution filed Nolle Prosequi due to the main witness not recalling the documentary evidence that he signed on because he is illiterate.
FICAC remains committed to addressing complaints efficiently as well as investigating cases within an allocated timeframe, and progressing them through the Courts, while also focusing on providing education and prevention training across all sectors of society.
FICAC says the Corruption Prevention Department which is the proactive function of FICAC, conducted a total of four Corruption Prevention Trainings to ninety individuals.
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