18 year old man charged with trespass and aggravated robbery in Samabula

18 year old man charged with trespass and aggravated robbery in Samabula

By Karishma Kumari
Monday 01/01/2024
[Image: File]

An 18-year-old man has been charged with one count of trespass and two counts of aggravated robbery following an attempted robbery at lot 30 in Namuka Street Samabula, Suva.

Police say it is alleged that on Christmas Eve on Sunday at about 11.30pm, a 30-year-old man heard a loud bang in the living room and upon coming out of his bedroom he saw his father laying unconscious in the living room with 2 deep cuts on his face.

They say a suspect namely Timoci Matanimeke, an 18-year-old of Wailekutu has been charged and produced in court.

Police adds the accused has been remanded in the Suva Remand Centre and will be produced again on the 22nd of this month.

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