15 undergo training to improve their businesses

15 undergo training to improve their businesses

By Rashika Kumar
Sunday 23/06/2024
Source : Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications

15 more people now have knowledge on how to start and improve their business after undergoing a three-day training with the Ministry of Trade, Co-operatives, SMEs and Communications.

The Ministry says of the 15 participants who upgraded their business management skills, 7 were Ministry's Trade Enhancement Grant Programme recipients.

They say the training has provided a platform for the participants to learn the importance of record keeping, cashflow calculation, savings, budgets, investment, costing, price, profit and marketing plan.

The Ministry says there is no doubt that training will also help the participants improve their business skills - enabling them to make better and more informed business decisions as well as sustain their business operations in the long term.

They say through the Fiji Revenue and Customs Services, the participants also underwent basic tax training and through Tower Insurance, they got to know about parametric insurance.

The Ministry adds by providing coverage for specific events, parametric insurance can help fill the protection gap and make insurance more accessible to MSMEs that previously had limited or no coverage.

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