12 new Commissioners of Oaths were sworn in today before Acting Chief Justice Kamal Kumar, High Court Judge, Justice Anjala Wati and Magistrate Jioji Boseiwaqa.
Acting Chief Justice Kumar told the 12 that they are not to take any money for the services they provide to the people.
He told them that they should make themselves accessible to the public.
Chief Justice Kumar says that sometimes members of the public are turned away for no particular reason adding that their actions reflect on the whole judicial system.
He also reminded them that their political affiliations should not interfere with their job.
The 12 that have been sworn in today are Sachida Nand, Dayashankar Sharma, Shahensha Shameer Ali, Mereseini Lalanayavu Bukaru, Chandra Pal, Neel Kant Singh, Penijamini Lomaloma, Sunjana Devreen Narayan, Anand Balraman, Jagdish Chand, Robin Ravind Ali and Vijay Mahadeo.
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