The Director of Social Welfare Rupeni Fatiaki has confirmed that they are currently working to assist the 45 year old woman who lost her home in a fire and is currently living in a wrecked mini bus in Wainibuku, Nausori.
Anita Singh lost her home in Nakasi last week and has been taking shelter in a junk vehicle which belongs to the owner of Turtle Tyre Services.
Singh says she lives alone and has no one else to support her.
She says she used to work in a garment factory before but has been unemployed for more than a year now and survives on social welfare.
Turtle Tyre Services owner Krishna Dutt has told us that he has been providing her with meals and access to other necessary facilities.
Dutt says Singh is in urgent need of clothes because most of her belongings were destroyed in the fire.
When contacted by fijivillage, the Director of Social Welfare said they are currently trying to get the relevant documents and background information to see how they can help Singh.
You can call Anita Singh on her mobile 2315319 if you want to assist her.
You can also donate funds to her BSP account 84060472.
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