Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha Fiji says school heads and management of Sanatan schools have established the number of students who are not coming to school with lunch and these students have been receiving a food pack for lunch for the last three weeks.
Vice President, Vijendra Prakash says they have also found out that in some schools, children were honest and have said they do not need the assistance as yet.
The Sabha runs 117 schools in the country and they have more than 70,000 students.
Prakash says as per the need, they will continue providing this assistance.
Prakash adds that with the help of donors from Fiji and abroad, they have managed to supply over 500 food packs to people who have lost jobs and have requested help.
He says Fijians are resilient and they have seen people who have lost jobs have been looking at various means and ways to earn for their family. But, Prakash says those who desperately need assistance with basic food items should contact the Sabha on 3373489.
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