Ratu Epenisa calls on Tabuya not to ramble on like a loose cannon
Tabuya calls for Ratu Epenisa and Gavoka’s resignation

Ratu Epenisa calls on Tabuya not to ramble on like a loose cannon

Tabuya calls for Ratu Epenisa and Gavoka’s resignation

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 16/04/2021
SODELPA President, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau, SODELPA Whip, Lynda Tabuya and Party Leader, Viliame Gavoka

SODELPA President, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau has called on the SODELPA Whip, Lynda Tabuya not to ramble on like a loose cannon however Tabuya has called for Ratu Epenisa’s resignation as he has not been able to unite the party for almost a year now.

Ratu Epenisa says it is unfortunate that SODELPA has to be embroiled in debating with one of its own publicly.

He says since there are misconceptions now raised by Lynda Tabuya that cuts into the core of the existence of the party, it is imperative to correct the misconceptions she has raised.

Ratu Epenisa says Tabuya has brought disrepute and negativity to the party by resorting to use the media to express her opinions instead of using internal party mechanisms.

He says primarily, Tabuya has misinformed and misrepresented to the public that SODELPA has no plans to be able to maintain and attract voters in preparation for the 2022 general elections.

The SODELPA President says there is a lot of work being done in the background to address policy needs. He says this is a matter not meant for public consumption, just yet.

On the issue of Tabuya’s general utterances to various media outlets, Ratu Epenisa says a recent resolution of the party’s Management Board directed all board members and parliamentarians to sign an Oath of Allegiance which Tabuya had signed.


He says Tabuya’s continuous public outbursts, questions her commitment to serve the party and uphold it’s constitution.

Ratu Epenisa urges Tabuya to refrain from making public pronouncements against the party.

He says he is just a phone call away including the Party Leader, Viliame Gavoka for discussion.

The SODELPA President says while Tabuya claims she is committed to SODELPA, her actions indicate she is intending to leave.

Ratu Epenisa says whichever way she goes is her choice, but if she chooses to remain with SODELPA, then refrain from campaigning against the party that gave her the threshold she needed to get into parliament.

He says her misguided attempts at trying to discredit the party executives is only showing up her inadequacies as a self-promoted representative for Kadavu.

Ratu Epenisa says instead, Tabuya should be proactive and make positive contributions as SODELPA MP, Simione Rasova has been doing on the island.

Ratu Epenisa is being used by those flanking him for their own personal agenda – Tabuya

Sainiana Radrodro says Tabuya trying to discredit her and Aseri Radrodro

By: Vijay Narayan


SODELPA Whip, Lynda Tabuya has said this afternoon that SODELPA President, Ratu Epenisa Cakobau and Party Leader, Viliame Gavoka should resign and Deputy Leader, Filimoni Vosarogo should step up and become the leader of the party.

While responding to Ratu Epenisa, Tabuya says with due respect to the SODELPA President, he is losing the support of the vanua in the party. Tabuya says he is a novice in politics and is being used by those flanking him for their own personal agenda.

She says she believes Ratu Epenisa’s heart is in the right place but he is being allegedly heavily influenced by his advisors, Aseri and Sainiana Radrodro.

Tabuya claims that Aseri and Sainiana Radrodcro write Ratu Epenisa’s correspondence for him and use his electronic signature.

The SODELPA Whip says this couple interfere too much in the work of the General Secretary, to the point where Aseri Radrodro allegedly wrote a scathing letter that led to the forced resignation of Emele Duituturaga and treasurer Ratu Ilisoni Vuidreketi, who she says are two good, knowledgeable, experienced professionals who had much to offer to the party.

Tabuya says the SODELPA President should be neutral, but since he took up his position, there are over 70 grievances before him to sort out.

She says this is unprecedented.

Tabuya says she has much respect for Ratu Epenisa as a traditional leader and she calls for his resignation as he has not been able to unite the party for almost a year now, and he has not been able to resolve the many grievances before him, but has acted on ill advice designed to drive out voters rather than unite them.

She says she is very disappointed that the Deputy Party Leader, Filimoni Vosarogo has been excluded from major decision making, he has not been invited to the management board meetings and he has been replaced as chair of the manifesto committee who met this week to map out the direction of the party.

Tabuya says under the President’s leadership, the party leader has failed to deliver a plan in the last five months.

She calls for Vosarogo to take up the leadership as she says they need a young, dynamic, intelligent leader to capture the 60% voting population.

Meanwhile Sainiana Radrodro says she is shocked and utterly dismayed that a lawyer, Lynda Tabuya has made a claim that is obviously meant to discredit her and Aseri Radrodro.

Sainiana categorically denies that she wrote Ratu Epenisa Cakobau’s statement.

She also asks Tabuya why on earth would she have access to the electronic signature of the President of SODELPA.

Sainiana also says she is not part of the party's secretariat.

She says her personal opinion as someone who has been part of the SODELPA family like the thousands of others over the years is that Lynda Tabuya needs to direct her issues to the party internally and think of the voters of SODELPA whom she is hurting by her various statements that now defy logic and truth.

She says she like Lynda Tabuya is a lawyer too by profession and she is now considering what she needs to do to address Tabuya's lies on her publicly, that brings harm to her personal and professional reputation.

When approached by fijivillage, Aseri Radrodro said he will not comment.

Ratu Naiqama resigns as SODELPA Vice President

By: Semi Turaga


Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu has resigned as Vice President of SODELPA with immediate effect and says he will continue to focus on his role as Parliamentary Leader, Leader of Opposition and Party stalwart.

In his resignation letter to the SODELPA President, Ratu Naiqama says he is deeply disappointed and saddened to witness the current state of play whereby the disagreement within the party threatens unity within the vanua.

Ratu Naiqama says the core foundation of the party based on vanua solidarity has been undermined.

He further says adherence to traditional values based on mutual respect, understanding and dialogue is sadly no longer the cornerstone of the party.

Ratu Naiqama says most importantly the traditional vanua leadership has been tainted and politicised for individual, personal and in-group agenda.

He says as of today, they have more than 70 grievances and complaints from members which have not been resolved.

The SODELPA MP adds it is unfortunate that the current leadership has taken a very heavy-handed approach rather than fostering dialogue and consensus-building to bring about party unity.

He further adds rather than addressing these grievances and complaints equally and in totality, the leadership focus has been on executing its own vendetta and selective investigations.

Ratu Naiqama says this is despite efforts he made to address all complaints and grievances amicably.

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