Quade Cooper credits Sonny Bill Williams after his match-winning Wallabies comeback

Quade Cooper credits Sonny Bill Williams after his match-winning Wallabies comeback

By Dhanjay Deo
Monday 13/09/2021
[image: nine.com.au]

Former Wallabies, Drew Mitchell says Quade Cooper should be granted instant citizenship however, Australia’s match-winner last night was keen to deflect some praise to close friend and ex-All Black Sonny Bill Williams.

In a script worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, Cooper kicked an after-the-final-siren 40m angled penalty to give the Wallabies a 28-26 win over the Springboks.

Cooper displayed a Zen-like calm to slot his eighth consecutive shot of the night for a famous victory in his first test since 2017.

The 33-year-old five-eighth was disappointed earlier this year after being denied Australian citizenship for a fourth time despite 70 tests for the Wallabies.

After his storybook 71st appearance, Mitchell – a former teammate of Cooper and now a media commentator wrote in a blog to give Quade Cooper his citizenship.

Cooper, however, played down his own importance in the win, saying while footy is important, it wasn’t the only thing in life.

He did express his gratitude to Sonny Bill Williams, who was filmed punching the air in delight as Cooper’s match-winning, long-distance kick sailed between the posts.

Copper says he is grateful to his brother.

Quade Cooper went eight from eight off the tee last night.

Australia will again face South Africa at 7.05pm this Saturday while the All Blacks will take on Argentina at 10.05pm Saturday.

[Source: Stuff.co.nz]

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