Fijian should only be used for i-Taukei – Ro Teimumu Kepa

Fijian should only be used for i-Taukei – Ro Teimumu Kepa

By Vijay Narayan
Wednesday 13/08/2014
Leader of the Social Democratic Liberal Party, Ro Teimumu Kepa

The Leader of the Social Democratic Liberal Party, Ro Teimumu Kepa stresses that the party disagrees with the common name to be Fijian for all Fiji citizens.

Although it is clearly stated in the 2013 constitution that the common name is Fijian for all Fiji citizens, Ro Teimumu said SODELPA’s stand is clear.

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Ro Teimumu then said that a referendum should be conducted to find out what the majority of the people think about this issue.

She said some non i-Taukei people have already told her that they do not want to be known as Fijian.

The SODELPA Leader said her belief is that the name Fijian is owned by the i-Taukei.

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While responding to questions by Fijivillage on former Prime Minister, Laisenia Qarase’s suggestions in a SODELPA campaign meeting that equal citizenry can never be achieved and Christianity to be the prominent religion in the country, Ro Teimumu said that SODELPA believes in equality.

However she said as indigenous Fijians, they should have some privileges.

She did not specify what these privileges should be.

On the question of religion, Ro Teimumu said it is a non-issue as there is freedom of religion.

But she then made her position clear after being questioned by Fijivillage.

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Meanwhile Ro Teimumu has also confirmed that she is ready to come on the Political Party Leader’s talkbacks on our stations which kicks-off next week.

However she said she wants a one-on-one debate with FijiFirst Leader, Voreqe Bainimarama.

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SODELPA Leader Ro Teimumu Kepa Interview on Equal Citizenry

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