Renovated FMF Gymnasium officially opens

Renovated FMF Gymnasium officially opens

By Semi Turaga
Sunday 28/01/2018
Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama with staff of the Fiji Sports Council in front of the new headquarters after the official opening [Photo: Fijian Government]

The renovated FMF Gymnasium has been officially opened.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama says the facility represents an investment of nearly five million dollars by Government.

The renovated FMF Gymnasium [Photo: Fijian Government]

He says the investment has bought a new roof, new flooring, a state of the art sound system, better lighting, a new lift to ensure better access for those living with disabilities, and an extended event area that can now accommodate up to 200 people.

Bainimarama says the new Fiji Sports Council Headquarters in front represents a four million dollar investment in a modern and professional multi-purpose sports administration complex.

The renovated FMF Gymnasium [Photo: Fijian Government]

He adds that the Government has made just over a million dollar contribution to the construction of this complex, with the remaining amount sourced by the Fiji Sports Council themselves.

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Bainimarama also says that this year alone, they are spending 2.1 million dollars to complete the long-awaited Vunisea Sports Complex in Kadavu and the Sawaieke Sports Complex in Gau, and continue construction of the Vunidawa Sports Complex in Naitasiri.

He says they are currently constructing a 10 lane Olympic competition size pool in Lautoka, a new Valelevu Sports Stadium, and a new public swimming pool in Nasinu, along with dozens of rural sports fields throughout the country.

He says they will also plan to refurbish the Vodafone Arena.

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