7 Grace Road Group executives declared prohibited immigrants in Fiji after decisions by the South Korean Government and a request by Interpol

7 Grace Road Group executives declared prohibited immigrants in Fiji after decisions by the South Korean Government and a request by Interpol

By fijivillage
Monday 25/09/2023
Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

7 Grace Road executives in Fiji have been declared prohibited immigrants by the Fijian Government, it has been made clear through government statements released that the government acted after the decisions by the South Korean Government and the request by Interpol.

Grace Road senior director Daniel Jung Yong Kim remains in immigration custody as he is a prohibited immigrant.

Kim granted temporary stay until court rules on 15th Nov

By Rashika Kumar
Friday 27/10/2023
Grace Road Fiji President Daniel Kim

The Lautoka High Court has granted an interim stay for Grace Road Fiji President Daniel Kim and three others until the 15th of next month when it rules in a constitutional redress matter.

This means they cannot be deported at least until the 15th.

A Habeas Corpus application filed by Kim’s counsel was also struck out by the Lautoka High Court as well.

A Writ of Habeas Corpus protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

Kim remains in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant making his presence in Fiji unlawful after the South Korean Government nullified his passport.

The court also dealt with a judicial review matter regarding Kim where the court also heard an application for stay where the ruling will be delivered on Wednesday.

Kim is represented by Kings Counsel Simon Ower, Ronald Gordan, Nilesh Prasad and Vasu Pillay while Solicitor General, Ropate Lomavatu is representing the State.

Grace Road President Daniel Kim charged with one count of Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm

By Alipate Narawa, Vijay Narayan
Sunday 22/10/2023
Grace Road President Daniel Kim [Image: File]

Grace Road President Daniel Kim has been charged with Assault Causing Actual Bodily Harm and produced in the Navua Magistrates Court.

He is charged for assaulting a man in 2018.

Kim appeared before Magistrate Yogesh Prasad and will reappear in court on 3rd November.

A 55 year old farmer of Batiniyaka Settlement Navua was allegedly assaulted by the senior company executive and his colleagues.

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Crime – Mesake Waqa says this report says the alleged assault occurred during a dispute over a piece of iTaukei land lease in 2018.

We had earlier asked Police if any report was lodged about this incident in 2018, and whether any investigation was conducted.

However photos have emerged of the person getting assaulted by the group of people and him lying on the road with a bloodied face.

The person assaulted is Nainoca Kaukibeqa who is part of the mataqali Dravuni in Deuba.

Speaking to fijivillage News, Kaukibeqa confirms that he had a dispute with Grace Road regarding their mataqali land, and he also stoned a digger and injured the operator after they allegedly threatened him to get off the land.

He alleges that is when he was assaulted, but when Police came, he was taken in and later charged with damaging property and assault.

However he says Police did nothing to his assailants although he had visible injuries.

Kaukibeqa confirms that Police have taken his statement regarding the 2018 incident.

Meanwhile Grace Road Group says 6 years ago, they were informed that Kaukibeqa had been throwing rocks at their digger for unknown reasons while their digger was clearing their farmland.

Grace Road says on 30th June 2018, the digger was damaged due to the stoning and the operator was hit by rocks and had his chest and arm injured.

The company says their team went to see Kaukibeqa to find out what the issue was.

They claim that he ran towards the team swinging a sugarcane knife and threatening to kill them.

The company after tussling, they managed to take his cane knife and threw it away and then Kaukibeqa allegedly started assaulting the members with his fists.

Grace Road alleges the man seemed to be drunk and his other family members were encouraging his assault rather than calming him down.

They say soon, the police arrived at the scene and arrested him.

The company says later he was charged for damaging property, criminal intimidation and act to cause bodily harm and received the suspended imprisonment sentence.

Grace Road Group says it is surprising that this story came out now after 6 years as this is a closed criminal case.

They say the family still live at their home and his son works for Grace Road now.

The company says the timing of this story makes them question who is behind this and why they are trying to harm Grace Road.

Police investigate alleged assault of a farmer by senior company executive and colleagues in Navua in 2018

Police did nothing to my assailants although I had visible injuries - Kaukibeqa
By Vijay Narayan
Friday 22/09/2023

Police have today confirmed that they are investigating a report lodged earlier this week where a 55 year old farmer of Batiniyaka Settlement Navua was allegedly assaulted by a senior company executive and colleagues.

Acting Assistant Commissioner of Crime – Mesake Waqa says this report says the alleged assault occurred during a dispute over a piece of iTaukei land lease in 2018.

We have asked Police if any report was lodged about this incident in 2018, and whether any investigation was conducted.

We are awaiting their response.

However photos have emerged of the person getting assaulted by the group of people and him lying on the road with a bloodied face.

The person assaulted is Nainoca Kaukibeqa who is part of the mataqali Dravuni in Deuba.

Speaking to fijivillage News today, Kaukibeqa confirms that he had a dispute with Grace Road regarding their mataqali land, and he also stoned a digger and injured the operator after they allegedly threatened him to get off the land.

He alleges that is when he was assaulted, but when Police came, he was taken in and later charged with damaging property and assault.

However he says Police did nothing to his assailants although he had visible injuries.

Kaukibeqa confirms that Police came this week to take his statement regarding the 2018 incident.

Meanwhile Grace Road Group says 6 years ago, they were informed that Kaukibeqa had been throwing rocks at their digger for unknown reasons while their digger was clearing their farmland.

Grace Road says on 30th June 2018, the digger was damaged due to the stoning and the operator was hit by rocks and had his chest and arm injured.

The company says their team went to see Kaukibeqa to find out what the issue was.

They claim that he ran towards the team swinging a sugarcane knife and threatening to kill them.

The company after tussling, they managed to take his cane knife and threw it away and then Kaukibeqa allegedly started assaulting the members with his fists.

Grace Road alleges the man seemed to be drunk and his other family members were encouraging his assault rather than calming him down.

They say soon, the police arrived at the scene and arrested him.

The company says later he was charged for damaging property, criminal intimidation and act to cause bodily harm and received the suspended imprisonment sentence.

Grace Road Group says it is surprising that this story came out now after 6 years as this is a closed criminal case.

They say the family still live at their home and his son works for Grace Road now.

The company says the timing of this story makes them question who is behind this and why they are trying to harm Grace Road.

Kim remains in custody as his lawyers instructed to refile submission

By Rashika Kumar
Monday 18/09/2023
Grace Road Fiji's President Daniel Kim [File photo]

Grace Road Fiji's President Daniel Kim remains in immigration custody as the Lautoka High Court has instructed Kim's lawyer to withdraw and refile an amendment in regards to the judicial review matter where the State is seeking the court to review a 2018 court order stopping Kim from leaving the country.

As more time has been granted to Kim's counsel to file further material in relation to his Habeas Corpus application, the protection stands and Kim remains in the country.

A Writ of Habeas Corpus protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

Kim is represented by Kings Counsel Simon Ower, Ronald Gordan, Nilesh Prasad and Vasu Pillay while Solicitor General, Ropate Green Lomavatu is representing the State.

The Habeas Corpus matter has been adjourned until next Friday while the judicial review matter will be called next Thursday.

Kim is in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant making his presence in Fiji unlawful after the South Korean Government nullified his passport.

Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September, 2018 that they have nullified the passports of Kim and 6 other individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as "Fugitives wanted for Prosecution".

Court grants Daniel Kim's counsel 3 days to file further material in their Habeas Corpus application

Police monitoring situation as more than 100 Grace Road supporters gather outside court
By Rashika Kumar, Vijay Narayan
Monday 18/09/2023
Grace Road Fiji's President Daniel Kim

The Lautoka High Court has granted Grace Road Fiji's President Daniel Kim's counsel three days to file further material in relation to his Habeas Corpus application.

A Writ of Habeas Corpus protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

Kim is represented by Kings Counsel Simon Ower, Ronald Gordan, Nilesh Prasad and Vasu Pillay while Solicitor General, Ropate Lomavatu is representing the State.

The Habeas Corpus matter has been adjourned until the 29th of this month.

The matter will be called once again at midday for a judicial review application.

Kim is in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant making his presence in Fiji unlawful after the South Korean Government nullified his passport.

Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September, 2018 that they have nullified the passports of Kim and 6 other individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as "Fugitives wanted for Prosecution".

Meanwhile, more than 100 supporters are outside Lautoka High Court to show their support for Kim.

They held signs saying '#Justice4Grace', 'Stop Religious Oppression', 'We need Daniel Kim' and 'Stop witch hunt'.

Divisional Police Commander West Senior Superintendent of Police Iakobo Vaisewa says they are allowing Grace Road supporters to display their grievances peacefully.

He says the supporters have gathered peacefully but they have many police officers and some in civilian clothing to keep an eye on the situation.

Stay with us for more details.

Daniel Kim's matter to be called in court today

By Rashika Kumar, Vijay Narayan
Monday 18/09/2023

The Ministry of Immigration will be responding to a Writ of Habeas Corpus filed by Grace Road Fiji's President, Daniel Kim in Lautoka High Court today.

A Writ of Habeas Corpus protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

Kim is in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant making his presence in Fiji unlawful after the South Korean Government nullified his passport.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September, 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the Kim and 6 other individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as "Fugitives wanted for Prosecution".

7 Grace Road Group executives declared prohibited immigrants in Fiji after decisions by the South Korean Government and a request by Interpol

Group continues to condemn actions
By Vijay Narayan
Wednesday 13/09/2023
Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

As the debate continues on the 7 Grace Road executives in Fiji declared prohibited immigrants by the Fijian Government, it has been made clear through government statements released that the government acted after the decisions by the South Korean Government and the request by Interpol. Grace Road senior director Daniel Jung Yong Kim remains in immigration custody as he is a prohibited immigrant.

His passport was nullified by the South Korean Government.

7 people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Daniel Kim, Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Home Affairs Minister, Pio Tikoduadua has already confirmed the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they had nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

Meanwhile in a statement released by Grace Road Group, it says the Group’s 400 members find the recent events surrounding their group as unquestionably a ‘religious oppression’.

They say the Minister of Immigration has publicly condemned their group as a “cult” several times in the media.

The group claims it is evident that that the President, Daniel Kim has been detained for speaking against the religious belief of the Minister.

They also ask if a Red Notice is the reason for deportation, why this has suddenly become an issue several months after the announcement of an investigation of the group.

The group says if the Red Notice is an issue, why was their key executive member refused entry into Fiji without a proper explanation when she has no criminal record.

They say their key executive member who was refused entry into Fiji had no choice but to stay in Australia, but the Australian Immigration, notified by the Fijian Immigration, insulted her as a “cult” and refused her entry.

Allow due process for Grace Road Church members – Human Rights Commission

By Vijay Narayan
Thursday 14/09/2023
Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission Chair, Pravesh Sharma

The Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission has received a complaint from members of the Grace Road Church in relation to the manner in which some of their members were taken into custody by state officials, use of alleged force during detainment, alleged denial of access to a lawyer while detained at the Suva Remand Centre; and the Church being labelled as a cult.

Commission Chair, Pravesh Sharma says one member was also allegedly denied a visa to re-enter Fiji.

He says persons awaiting deportation should be kept in immigration safehouses rather than at remand centres since they have not been charged with offences.

The Commission Chair says detained persons should have access to their lawyers and to other human rights defenders.

Sharma says the Grace Road Church members facing deportation must be given the right to challenge their detention and deportation.

He says they have a legitimate expectation that their rights will be complied with.

Section 13(1)(i) of the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji allows detained persons to challenge the lawfulness of their detention before a court, and if their detention is unlawful, to be released.

Sharma also says the Grace Road Church members should not be deported until the final Appellate Court hears and determines the matter. The Commission is also concerned over the use of the word, ‘cult’ to describe the Grace Road Church as the word can be viewed as derogatory. Sharma says Section 22 of the Constitution of the Republic of Fiji ensures all persons the right to freedom of religion, conscience and belief.

He says the Government Departments and state officials dealing with these matters should comply with the rule of law.

Grace Road Fiji President, Daniel Kim has been declared a prohibited immigrant and is in immigration custody.

Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua has said the Fiji Government has nothing against Grace Road Group Fiji but it is a matter between the Government of South Korea and the 7 persons that they have identified to be fugitives.

While receiving a petition from more than 20 employees of Grace Road Group, Tikoduadua says the government has it’s obligations based on the relationship with other governments.

He stresses his job is to uphold the law as it will always come first but we should also recognise that there are rights for everyone.

Nothing against Grace Road Group, it is a matter between the South Korean government and the 7 fugitives - Tikoduadua

More than 20 employees hand over petition to Minister
By Vijay Narayan, Mosese Raqio
Thursday 14/09/2023
Screenshot of CCTV footage from Grace Road outlet in Flagstaff

Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua says the Fiji Government has nothing against Grace Road Group Fiji but it is a matter between the Government of South Korea and the 7 persons that they have identified to be fugitives.

While receiving a petition from more than 20 employees of Grace Road Group, Tikoduadua says the government has it’s obligations based on the relationship with other governments.

He stresses his job is to uphold the law as it will always come first but we should also recognise that there are rights for everyone.

More than 20 staff of Grace Road Group Fiji gathered at the Prime Minister’s Office to make a plea to Tikoduadua for the release of the Group’s President and prohibited immigrant, Daniel Kim from immigration custody and to let him stay in Fiji.

While handing over their petition to the Minister, Asenaca Nuku, who is an employee of GR Group Fiji says the Group has made significant contributions to Fiji in the past years with positive economic and social impacts.

Nuku says this includes the creation of numerous job opportunities and outstanding services that raised the standards in various businesses and locations.

She says the recent event of the detainment of the Group’s President has caused negative impacts not only on the company but on the employees of the company and the confidence and stability of the economy in Fiji.

Tikoduadua acknowledged the Grace Road Group employees for raising their concerns as they are very important not only to him but to the people of Fiji as a whole.

He adds the Ministry takes this petition seriously and the matter is before the court.

Tikoduadua says he cannot elaborate more on it as his job is to protect the law.

He says the petition will be forwarded to relevant stakeholders to look into.


Home Affairs Minister, Pio Tikoduadua receiving the petition from Grace Road staff outside the PM's office building yesterday

After the presentation of the petition, Grace Road Fiji has released another statement saying the current event clearly encompasses the entire Grace Road, not just a few of their members.

They say the underlying context represents a clear case of religious oppression, as indicated by the labeling of the group as a cult.

One of their senior executives, who was returning from an overseas business trip to Fiji, received a visa rejection notification while on the flight back.

Ana Sungdo, a senior administrator of Grace Road Group said she was denied entry into Fiji on Friday 8th September 2023, while having her investor visa all along.

She says she handles significant administrative tasks for the group, and she finds it extremely unfair that her visa was rejected, and she was even denied entry on a visitor visa. She further says she had no choice but to stay in Australia, but the Australian Immigration at the airport, who were notified by the Fijian Immigration, insulted her as a ‘cult’ and refused her entry.

The group also says in a separate incident this week, two of their senior managers, who are not on the list of the Immigration Department, were chased by unmarked cars during the day.

They say these vehicles dangerously stopped their vehicle by blocking the front and the rear in the middle of Suva.

They say they were then told that they were immigration officers, and held the members without any explanation and harassed them while not allowing them to leave for a while.

The group says during last week’s detainment of their members, the immigration authorities forcibly detained 62-year-old female member Nam Suk Choi in a heavy-handed manner.

They say the officials did not present any official letter, orders, or warrants.

The group claims just to detain one 62-year-old woman, over 15 police and immigration officers were involved.

They say the officials acted rudely and used physical force, causing fear among other staff, customers, and onlookers.

Although many international outlets have labeled Grace Road Church as a doomsday cult, the BBC reports the group denies it is a cult - as well as allegations of abuse.

Four suspected high-ranking members of a South Korean doomsday cult have been arrested here.

Two have been deported, but a legal injunction prevents the other prohibited immigrants from being ejected.

Its founder, Shin Ok-ju, who is Daniel Kim’s mother, was jailed in 2019 for holding Grace Road Church followers captive in Fiji and subjecting them to violence.

The Church has built a business empire after arriving in Fiji.

The leader of the South Korean doomsday cult was sentenced to six years in jail.

Shin Ok-ju, convinced 400 people to move to Fiji in 2014, claiming they would be safe from imminent natural disaster

Once here, their passports were taken away and many of them reported being beaten to "drive out evil spirits".


Screenshot showing Grace Road Church founder, Shin Ok-ju slapping a church member [Image: BBC News]

Shin was arrested in July 2018.

A sub-court of the Suwon District Court said the victims suffered helplessly from collective beatings and experienced not only physical torture but also severe fear and considerable mental shock.

The court said that heavy punishment is inevitable against illegal acts carried out in the name of religion.

Seoyeon Lee, a woman who escaped from the cult in 2014, told the BBC that she was "disappointed" with the court's decision.

Lee said the punishment did not fit the crime at all and she should be behind bars for a much longer time.

She also said that she hopes this encourages the Fijian government to take appropriate action and disassociate themselves with the organisation.

Shin preached that a global famine was imminent but that she and her followers would be safe in Fiji.

The church has leased land in Fiji and built a large business empire, with labour earlier provided by Shin's followers.

Grace Road Church's businesses in Fiji, operating under the name Grace Road Group, are wide-ranging - from construction to restaurants to agriculture.

OCCRP’s Pacific editor, Aubrey Belford, had told RNZ Pacific in 2022 the core issue with Grace Road in Fiji was the perception it had been given the red carpet treatment by the government.

Belford said they showed up in the country about 10 years ago and in that time they have managed to build what is now one of the biggest business empires in the country.

They counted 54 business establishments currently running in the country — 55 if you count the huge farm they have in Navua.

Grace Road President was not returned to South Korea in 2018 as there was a court order stopping him - Sayed-Khaiyum

By Rashika Kumar, Rohit Kumar
Wednesday 13/09/2023
Former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum

Former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says Grace Road Group President Daniel Kim was not sent to South Korea in 2018 when his passport was nullified because there was a court order in 2018 stopping him.

7 people including Kim were wanted by the South Korean Government as their passports were nullified by the South Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

Red Notices were published by Interpol in July 2018, referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua had earlier said all of these were ignored by the former government.

While responding to questions by fijivillage News outside court, Sayed-Khaiyum says the Fijian courts had said in 2018 that there should be a stop order on any of their departure and they need to be followed.

While responding to our questions regarding the South Korean government’s decision and Interpol declaring Kim a fugitive, Sayed-Khaiyum says anybody can declare anybody anything.

He has also accused fijivillage News of making a mountain out of a molehill.

7 Grace Road Group executives declared prohibited immigrants in Fiji after decisions by the South Korean Government and a request by Interpol

Group continues to condemn actions
By Vijay Narayan
Wednesday 13/09/2023
Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

As the debate continues on the 7 Grace Road executives in Fiji declared prohibited immigrants by the Fijian Government, it has been made clear through government statements released that the government acted after the decisions by the South Korean Government and the request by Interpol. Grace Road senior director Daniel Jung Yong Kim remains in immigration custody as he is a prohibited immigrant.

His passport was nullified by the South Korean Government.

7 people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Daniel Kim, Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Home Affairs Minister, Pio Tikoduadua has already confirmed the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they had nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

Meanwhile in a statement released by Grace Road Group, it says the Group’s 400 members find the recent events surrounding their group as unquestionably a ‘religious oppression’.

They say the Minister of Immigration has publicly condemned their group as a “cult” several times in the media.

The group claims it is evident that that the President, Daniel Kim has been detained for speaking against the religious belief of the Minister.

They also ask if a Red Notice is the reason for deportation, why this has suddenly become an issue several months after the announcement of an investigation of the group.

The group says if the Red Notice is an issue, why was their key executive member refused entry into Fiji without a proper explanation when she has no criminal record.

They say their key executive member who was refused entry into Fiji had no choice but to stay in Australia, but the Australian Immigration, notified by the Fijian Immigration, insulted her as a “cult” and refused her entry.

Local staff of Grace Road petition Tikoduadua to release Daniel Kim

Tikoduadua to respond in parliament on Thursday
By Rashika Kumar, Rohit Kumar
Tuesday 12/09/2023

Local staff of Grace Road Group have handed a signed petition to the Ministry of Immigration requesting for the release of their President Daniel Kim, who is currently in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant after the Korean Government nullified his passport.

About 10 Grace Road staff accompanied by Kim's family handed the petition to the Minister for Immigration, Pio Tikoduadua's Personal Secretary at about 1pm today.

Staff representative, Kelera Delai says she thinks they will not be able to run their business smoothly if they do not have their President with them.

She says no one has asked them to sign the petition however they believe that they should do this not just for themselves but for other Grace Road family members.

Delai says no one has been forced to sign the petition.

The representative says the business will continue if Kim is not released but they still need their President.

Delai adds she hopes Kim's family members will step in to run the business if he is taken to South Korea.

The Ministry has confirmed receiving the petition.

Tikoduadua is expected to provide a statement on Grace Road in parliament on Thursday. Rashika/Rohit

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim in immigration custody

By Vijay Narayan, Mosese Raqio
Friday 08/09/2023
Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua and Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim is currently in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant according to Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua.

Speaking to fijivillage News this afternoon, Tikoduadua confirms that Kim has been located and he is a prohibited immigrant.

He says there is a court order that stops Kim from being removed now but they are appealing the court decision.

Tikoduadua confirmed yesterday that Daniel Kim was on the run after his passport was nullified by the Korean Government, and the Fijian Government stated that it was unable to locate him.

Tikoduadua said 7 other people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Also on the run is Jin Sook Yoon.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals' passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

He says yesterday a task force, consisting of Police and Immigration officers, began the removal of these individuals.

Kim had called a press conference at Grace Road Navua yesterday afternoon refuting claims by Tikoduadua that he is on the run and he had demanded an apology from the Minister.

Kim said Tikoduadua needs to apologise for the comments that he has made towards him and his other associates as it is all false comments.

He has also asked Tikoduadua if he knows what the word "cult" means after he used the term on Kim and his other associates.

Kim said if they were a cult, why were they still getting support from organisations.

He said after the statement by Tikoduadua, Grace Road Group has been bombarded with questions from many business associates and well-wishers.

Kim has also confirmed that the two Grace Road members namely Byeong Joon Lee and Boemseop Shin have been removed from the country without the group's knowledge or information about the removal process and they are genuinely surprised by the sudden stance by the Police and Immigration. He says their lawyers had successfully obtained a court order to forbid the removal of the two members and have since obtained orders forbidding the removal of the remaining members including Kim himself.

Kim says they have instructed their lawyers as well to take active steps to review the process undertaken by the police and the Immigration which they believe is heavy-handed and subject to legal actions.

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim in immigration custody

By Vijay Narayan, Mosese Raqio
Friday 08/09/2023
Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua and Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim is currently in immigration custody as he has been declared a prohibited immigrant according to Immigration Minister Pio Tikoduadua.

Speaking to fijivillage News this afternoon, Tikoduadua confirms that Kim has been located and he is a prohibited immigrant.

He says there is a court order that stops Kim from being removed now but they are appealing the court decision.

Tikoduadua confirmed yesterday that Daniel Kim was on the run after his passport was nullified by the Korean Government, and the Fijian Government stated that it was unable to locate him.

Tikoduadua said 7 other people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Also on the run is Jin Sook Yoon.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals' passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

He says yesterday a task force, consisting of Police and Immigration officers, began the removal of these individuals.

Kim had called a press conference at Grace Road Navua yesterday afternoon refuting claims by Tikoduadua that he is on the run and he had demanded an apology from the Minister.

Kim said Tikoduadua needs to apologise for the comments that he has made towards him and his other associates as it is all false comments.

He has also asked Tikoduadua if he knows what the word "cult" means after he used the term on Kim and his other associates.

Kim said if they were a cult, why were they still getting support from organisations.

He said after the statement by Tikoduadua, Grace Road Group has been bombarded with questions from many business associates and well-wishers.

Kim has also confirmed that the two Grace Road members namely Byeong Joon Lee and Boemseop Shin have been removed from the country without the group's knowledge or information about the removal process and they are genuinely surprised by the sudden stance by the Police and Immigration. He says their lawyers had successfully obtained a court order to forbid the removal of the two members and have since obtained orders forbidding the removal of the remaining members including Kim himself.

Kim says they have instructed their lawyers as well to take active steps to review the process undertaken by the police and the Immigration which they believe is heavy-handed and subject to legal actions.

Grace Road President refutes claim by Tikoduadua of him being on the run, demands apology from the Minister

By Alipate Narawa, Mosese Raqio, Vijay Narayan
Thursday 07/09/2023
Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim

Grace Road Group Fiji President Daniel Kim has refuted claims by the Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration Pio Tikoduadua that he is on the run and has demanded an apology from the Minister.

Kim says Tikoduadua needs to apologise for the comments that he has made towards him and his other associates as it is all false comments.

He has also asked Tikoduadua if he knows what the word "cult" means after he used the term on Kim and his other associates.

Kim says if they were a cult, why were they still getting support from organisations.

He says after the statement by Tikoduadua, Grace Road Group has been bombarded with questions from many business associates and well-wishers.

Kim has also confirmed that the two Grace Road members namely Byeong Joon Lee and Boemseop Shin have been removed from the country without the group's knowledge or information about the removal process and they are genuinely surprised by the sudden stance by the Police and Immigration.

He says their lawyers had successfully obtained a court order to forbid the removal of the two members and have since obtained orders forbidding the removal of the remaining members including Kim himself.

Kim says they have instructed their lawyers as well to take active steps to review the process undertaken by the police and the Immigration which they believe is heavy-handed and subject to legal actions.

He says they will fight for their justice and will not stop until justice is served.

Tikoduadua says he will comment later today.

Earlier yesterday, Minister for Immigration Pio Tikoduadua confirmed in a press conference that Daniel Kim is on the run after his passport was nullified by the Korean Government, and the Fijian Government stated that it is unable to locate him.

Tikoduadua says 7 other people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Also on the run is Jin Sook Yoon.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals' passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

He says yesterday a task force, consisting of Police and Immigration officers, began the removal of these individuals.

The Minister says of these, four were successfully apprehended who were Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee and Beomseop Shin.

Tikoduadua says during the removal process, Fiji Airways declined to transport Sung Jin Lee and Nam Suk Choi due to a High Court Order.

He says the Solicitor General has received this court order for review.

The Immigration Minister says Sung Jin Lee and Nam Suk Choi have been released and are currently at the Grace Road farm in Navua.

Two other individuals, Byeong Joon Lee and Beomseop Shin, departed Fiji to Singapore on a Fiji Airways flight, accompanied by a South Korean embassy interpreter and four Police personnel.

He says additionally, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration is exploring legal options under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1997 and the Extradition Act 2003, given that these individuals are subject to an INTERPOL Red Notice.

It's important to note that Fiji and the Republic of Korea do not currently have an extradition treaty in place.

As of September 7th 2023, at 09:13 am, the Solicitor-General has indicated plans to appeal the Court Order.

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration will continue to monitor and address this situation in line with legal procedures.

7 Grace Road personnel declared Prohibited Immigrants by Fiji – Tikoduadua

Grace Road senior director Daniel Kim and Jin Sook Yoon on the run
By Alipate Narawa, Vijay Narayan
Thursday 07/09/2023
Minister for Immigration Pio Tikoduadua

Grace Road senior director Daniel Jung Yong Kim is on the run after his passport was nullified by the Korean Government, and the Fijian Government today stated that it is unable to locate him.

7 people from Grace Road in Fiji were wanted by the Korean Government and this included Daniel Kim, Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee, Jin Sook Yoon, Beomseop Shin and Chul Na.

Also on the run is Jin Sook Yoon.

Tikoduadua confirms the Government of Korea communicated through diplomatic channels on 21st September 2018 that they have nullified the passports of the 7 individuals connected with the Grace Road Cult.

He says these individuals’ passports were nullified by the Korean Government in relation to charges laid by the South Korean Government who had issued 1ssued a warrant for their arrest.

The Immigration Minister says in July 2018, Red Notices were published by Interpol referring to these individuals as *Fugitives wanted for Prosecution."

He says all of these were ignored by the former government.

Tikoduadua says using his discretion as Minister under Section 13(2)(g) of the Immigration Act, these individuals were declared Prohibited Immigrants making their presence in Fiji unlawful.

He says yesterday a task force, consisting of Police and Immigration officers, began the removal of these individuals.

The Minister says of these, four were successfully apprehended who were Acting Grace Road President Sung Jin Lee, Nam Suk Choi, Byeong Joon Lee and Beomseop SHIN.

Tikoduadua says during the removal process, Fiji Airways declined to transport Sung Jin Lee and Nam Suk Choi due to a High Court Order.

He says the Solicitor General has received this court order for review.

The Immigration Minister says Sung Jin Lee and Nam Suk Choi have been released and are currently at the Grace Road farm in Navua.

Two other individuals, Byeong Joon Lee and Beomseop Shin, departed Fiji to Singapore on a Fiji Airways flight, accompanied by a South Korean embassy interpreter and four Police personnel.

He says additionally, the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration is exploring legal options under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1997 and the Extradition Act 2003, given that these individuals are subject to an INTERPOL Red Notice.

It's important to note that Fiji and the Republic of Korea do not currently have an extradition treaty in place.

As of September 7th 2023, at 09:13 am, the Solicitor-General has indicated plans to appeal the Court Order.

The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration will continue to monitor and address this situation in line with legal procedures.

Stay with us for developments.

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