We need urgent action, drugs and crime sounding like a broken record player – GCC Chair
Home Affairs Ministry needs to urgently address the issue of underage children loitering at night

We need urgent action, drugs and crime sounding like a broken record player – GCC Chair

Home Affairs Ministry needs to urgently address the issue of underage children loitering at night

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 23/08/2024
Great Council of Chiefs Chairman Ratu Viliame Seruvakula

Talking about drugs, sexual violence, other crimes and increasing HIV cases is now sounding like a broken record player, and we now need to urgently address these issues strategically through a holistic approach.

That is the stern message from the Great Council of Chiefs Chairman, Ratu Viliame Seruvakula on fijivillage Straight Talk With Vijay Narayan as he stresses that the authorities responsible need to follow the money trail.

Ratu Viliame also says the supply of the large amount of hard drugs needs to be cut off through well established strategic intelligence networks, and a lot of current actions are unfortunately band aid treatments.

The GCC Chair stresses we need to establish the sources of these drugs and who are facilitating this.

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Meanwhile Ratu Viliame Seruvakula stresses that the Home Affairs Ministry and the Police need to urgently address the issue of underage children loitering at night, and ensure that parents are held accountable for neglecting their children.

Ratu Viliame agrees that it is really concerning to see young children, especially from the iTaukei community, loitering the streets.

He says it starts with the parents as these children want to belong to a group and want affection.

It was highlighted on the show that girls as young as 10 to 12 years are seen loitering until after 10.30pm at night, which is a major concern.

Click here for stories on the Drugs Situation in Fiji

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