Through the pornography task force, the government will have the official mandate to ban harmful content for children under 16 like telegram and pornography.
Minister for Women, Children, and Social Protection, Lynda Tabuya says the Government has to examine the move to ban social media for children under 16.
She says that is the extent of the discussion regarding banning social media which needs proper consultation before Fiji takes a bold step in banning it for children.
Tabuya reiterates and commends Australia for doing so but there are certain issues that the Government needs to look at when dealing with this issue because through this platform children are communicating effectively and have a way to reach out to friends which is a safe space for some of them.
She says the initial step the Government can also take through the pornography task force is to ban harmful content whether it is apps like Telegram or banning pornography sites to children.
Tabuya stresses that when they decide on certain matters, like bringing laws into the house, proper consultation is certainly required.
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